Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Name: The ways of expressing activity/inactivity of the noun in Gothic texts (on the material of natural phenomena)

Authors: Anna I. Silchencko

Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2010Pages 149-153
UDK: 811.11-1DOI:

Abstract: Different ways of expressing activity / inactivity of a noun are shown in the article. Activity is expressed by various means. Firstly, marking plays a key role. The active case is a marked member of the opposition, the inactive case – unmarked. Ac-tive /animate nouns are usually marked by consonantal stem-building suffixes. The ac-tive participant of a situation is expressed by an animate referent, whereas the inactive participant is more often expressed by an inanimate one; active / animate nouns are usually marked by consonantal stem-building suffixes. Secondly, active nouns are used with active verbs which denote actions, motions, events, while stative verbs denote states and qualities. Thirdly, active nouns can be used both as the subject and the object of the active construction.

Keywords: activity / inactivity, marking, stem-building suffixes, subject / object


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