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Name: Substantivized adjective новое (the new) as a means of lexical explication of the concept time in the novel "Doctor Zhivago" by B.L. Pasternak

Authors: Emiliya A. Makarova

Irkutsk State Pedagogical University

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2009Pages 136-144
UDK: 81.2 РусDOI:

Abstract: The article is devoted to the research of specific functioning of occasional substantivized adjective new representing the artistic concept time in the main character discourse of the B.L. Pasternak’s novel – Yuri Zhivago.

Keywords: artistic text, artistic concept, discourse, substantivized adjective, category of tense, meaning content paradigms, textual associative-semantic field, textual lexical-thematic groups


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