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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: Elena A. Dadueva Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Ude, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: This paper describes syntactic constructions expressing the impact on the emotional sphere in the Buryat language. Consideration is given to the semantics, structure, and means of expression of the basic components of the situation of emotional impact, with a focus on the interaction between the categories of emotivity and causativity. The analysis identifies the semantic and structural components of causative constructions denoting emotional impact in the Buryat language. These are causative stimuli, causative emotives, causable subjects, and intensifiers of emotionality. The distinct characteristics of expressing emotive semantics within causative constructions are determined. It is noted that the non-typical, non-aggressive causer prevails in the constructions in the meaning of the cause-stimulus expressed by the nominative. This causative stimulus represents a force or a source of energy that causes a reaction of the subject. A causable subject experiencing certain emotions takes the position of an accusative in an emotive construction. In such constructions, the focus is on representing the emotional state of the subject being influenced, acting as a direct complement. Furthermore, the analysis demonstrates that causative emotives in the Buryat language are represented by morphological causatives. These causatives are formed by adding special causative affixes to the corresponding non-causative counterparts. Alternatively, the semantics of emotional impact in the Buryat language can be expressed by phraseological combinations of causative verbs with names representing an emotive meaning. Finally, the paper identifies the components-intensifiers of emotivity of causative construction, such as adverbial parts, adverbs, particles, paired verbs, tautological combinations, and others. Keywords: causativity, emotional impact, morphological causative, emotivity, causative construction, Buryat language Bibliography: Apresyan V. Yu. Semantika emotsional’nykh kauzativov: status kauzativnogo komponenta [Semantics of emotional causatives: status of causative component]. In: Komp’yuternaya lingvistika i intellektual’nye tekhnologii: po materialam Mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii “Dialog 2013” [Computational linguistics and intellectual technologies: based on the materials of the International Conference “Dialog 2013”]. Moscow, 2013, iss. 12 (19), pp. 43–57. Arutyunova N. D. Predlozhenie i ego smysl [The sentence and its meaning]. Moscow, 1976, Nauka, 383 p. Dadueva E. A. Kauzativnye konstruktsii s glagolami volevogo vozdeystviya v buryatskom i russkom yazykakh [Causative constructions with verbs of volitional influence in Buryat and Russian languages]. Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal [Siberian Journal of Philology]. 2020, no. 1, pp. 267–277. Dadueva E. A. Kauzativnye konstruktsii v buryatskom yazyke: funktsional’no-semanticheskiy i lingvokognitivnyy aspekty [Causative constructions in the Buryat language: functional-semantic and linguocognitive aspects]. Abstract of Dr. philol. sci. diss. Moscow, 2022, 46 p. Dadueva E. A., Kharanutova D. Sh. Parnye glagoly s kauzativnym znacheniem: semanticheskie osobennosti (na materiale buryatskogo yazyka) [Paired verbs with causative meaning: semantic features (based on the Buryat language)]. Mongolian Studies. 2021, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 590–599. Emotivnyy kod yazyka i ego realizatsiya: Kollektivnaya monografiya [Emotive language code and its implementation: A collective monograph]. Volgograd, Peremena, 2003, 174 p. Kil’dibekova T. A. Glagoly deystviya v sovremennom russkom yazyke [Action verbs in modern Russian]. Saratov, SSU Publ., 1985, 160 p. Onipenko N. K. Kauzativnye emotivy: mezhdu aktsional’nost’yu i statal’nost’yu [Causative emotives: between actionality and statality]. Ezhegodnaya bogoslovskaya konferentsiya Pravoslavnogo Svyato-Tikhonovskogo gumanitarnogo universiteta. 2021, no. 31, pp. 187–189. Onipenko N. K. Semantika kauzativnykh emotivov i ikh funktsii v zagolovkakh sovremennykh internet-tekstov [Semantics of causative emotives and their functions in the headings of modern Internet texts]. Bulletin of the Moscow Region State University. Series: Russian Philology. 2020, no. 5, pp. 83–90. Paducheva E. V. Dinamicheskie modeli v semantike leksiki [Dynamic models in the semantics of vocabulary]. Moscow, LRC Publishing House, 2004, 608 p. Shakhovskiy V. I. Lingvisticheskaya teoriya emotsiy [Linguistic theory of emotions]. Moscow, Gnozis, 2008, 416 p. Syutkina N. P. Funktsionirovanie emotivnykh kauzativov v kategoria’nom semanticheskom komplekse [Functioning of emotive causatives in a categorical semantic complex]. Perm, PSNRU Publ., 2020, 176 p. |
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