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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: Olga Yu. Shagdurova, Elena V. Tyuntesheva Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: The paper deals with the semantic features of verbs of object transfer in Khakass and Altaic languages. The use of lexemes describing the situation of physical transfer with subjects and objects of different types is analyzed. An attempt has been made to systematize verbs by components incorporated into semantics. All these verbs include obligatory signs characteristic of the situation of transfer (semantics of transfer, starting and ending points, object and subject of action). Besides, these tokens contain additional components incorporated into their semantics: “the path,” “route,” “manner of transfer transfer,” “means of transfer” (“transport” and “tool”), and “object.” According to the typological classification developed by L. Talmi, the Turkic languages belong to the verbal type, with their verb roots expressing an indication of the “the path.” The verbs with an incorporated “manner of transfer” component can have their “direction” parameter specified with satellites. The subject of the verbs under study can be a person, less often an animal, or a technical means. When secondary meanings of physical action are expressed, the subject can be expressed by natural phenomena and objects (wind, river, waves). The objects of physical movement are represented by various physical objects and living beings. The examined languages exhibit considerable resemblance in terms of the composition and semantic structures of the verbs associated with transfer. Each language has its own set of verbs used in everyday life and work activities of specific ethnic and linguistic groups. Keywords: Siberian Turkic languages, Khakass language, Altai language, lexical-semantic group of verbs, verbs of object movement, lexical semantics, polysemantics Bibliography: Bulynina M. M. 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