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Name: Ekshuk: about one denomination of the wood goblin in Mari

Authors: Maria A. Klyucheva

Mari Research Institute of Language, Literature and History named after V. M. Vasilyev, Yoshkar-Ola, Russian Federation; Ivannikov Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation

In the section Study of folklore

Issue 4, 2024Pages 32-46
UDK: 811.511.151DOI: 10.17223/18137083/89/3


The origin of the word ekshuk, one of the specific names of the leshy (the forest spirit) in the Mari language, is under study. The topic is explored using linguistic sources and folklore materials, including rare ones that are newly introduced. The lexeme area, particularly Western Mari dialects, is established. The analysis has revealed the mixing of the word ekshuk with the Eastern Mari jekysuko (all evil, diseases). We suggest that these lexemes are of heterogeneous origin and should be analyzed separately. Further consideration of the Hill Mari kshuk, or the North-Western Mari ksh k, ksh k, kshӱk, kshuk, ksyuk, or the Meadow Mari kshӱ k, y kshӱ k, is made in the context of Russian dialect vocabulary. This vocabulary includes various terms used to designate “leshy” in Russian dialects, including les, yols, leshuk, Russian surnames Ekshukov, Ekshakov, Evshukov, Epsukov, Elsukov, or the village names such as Ekshakovo, Elsuki, Elsukovschina, and others. The account is taken of the regular character of the phonetic transitions s>š, l>v, p/b>g/k, e->yo- and metatheses le-~el- in Russian dialects and Finno-Ugric languages. Given the above, a conclusion is made that the Mari language mythonym ekshuk is a borrowing from Russian dialects: rus. les > rus. yols (devil, leshy) > *elsuk/*evshuk/epsuk > mari ekshuk. Thus, this name of leshy, along with the Hill Mari shishigӓ, shigӓ, leshӓ and North-Western Mari eshӓk is included in the group of Mari mythonyms of Russian origin. The etymology of the Eastern Mari ekysuko (all evil, disease) remains an open question.

Keywords: Finno-Ugric languages, Mari language, Mari folklore, mythonym, Russian dialects, borrowings, etymology, language substrate


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