Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Name: Musical and folklore tradition of the Yar Udmurts of autochthonous and Siberian existence: current state

Authors: Nikolai V. Anisimov, Ekaterina A. Sofronova; Irina V. Pchelovodova

In the section Study of folklore

Issue 4, 2024Pages 9-22
UDK: 784.4(=511.131)(571.17)DOI: 10.17223/18137083/89/1


This paper focuses on analyzing the current folklore tradition of the Udmurts of the Kemerovo Region. The first folklore and ethnographic expedition was conducted in the winter of 2023. In total, we visited seven settlements and interacted with 45 Udmurts, most born between the 1940s and 1970s and descendants of the first Udmurt immigrants in this region. The Udmurts who voluntarily migrated to the Kemerovo Region mostly came from villages in the Yarsky district of Udmurtia, such as Tsipya, Lekovai, Karavai, Ust-Lekma, Pudem, Bayaran, Chabyrovo, and others. A smaller portion of immigrants originated from the Balezinsky, Glazovsky, and Kez districts of Udmurtia, and they settled in these areas mainly during the mid-20th century. A special feature of the musical tradition of the Yarsky district, a part of the northern Udmurt area, is an archaic genre, krez. Krez involves improvised singing using onomatopoeic vocabulary from ritual and non-ritual song genres. The analysis has revealed that krez is diminishing both in the indigenous and resettlement traditions of Udmurts. We managed to record only oral information about the existence of the krez genre earlier in the tradition of the Udmurts of Kemerovo and recorded some trial tunes. The recordings made during the expedition revealed the prevalence of non-ritual songs, including five lyrical songs, one game song, and one lullaby. These songs are still popular among traditional performers in the indigenous Udmurt tradition. Today, the only way for Udmurt immigrants to join the tradition of their ancestors is through information found on the Internet.

Keywords: Udmurts, Siberian group, resettlement, Kemerovo region, expeditions, rituals, song genres, improvised singing, ritual songs, non-ritual songs, resettlement tradition


Anisimov N. V., Pchelovodova I. V., Sofronova E. A. Migrant and Autochthonous Traditions within Udmurt Folksong (on the Example of the Siberian Udmurt). Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics. 2020, no. 14 (1), pp. 85−110.

Pchelovodova I. V., Anisimov N. V. Alnashskiy komponent v pesennoy traditsii Krasnoyarskikh udmurtov [Alnash component in the song tradition of the Krasnoyarsk Udmurts]. Yearbook of Finno-Ugric Studies. 2023, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 60–76.

Pchelovodova I. V., Anisimov N. V. Iz “Rossii” v Sibir’... Sovremennye ekspeditsionnye zametki ob udmurtakh Krasnoyarskogo kraya [From “Russia” to Siberia... Modern expeditionary notes about the Udmurts of the Krasnoyarsk region]. Yearbook of Finno-Ugric Studies. 2021, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 45–59.

Pchelovodova I. V., Anisimov N. V., Sofronova E. A. Muzykal’no-pesennyy fol’klor pereselencheskoy traditsii udmurtov Krasnoyarskogo kraya [Musical and song folklore of the migrant tradition of the Udmurts of the Krasnoyarsk region]. Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal [Siberian Journal of Philology]. 2021, no. 2, pp. 31–49.

Pchelovodova I. V., Anisimov N. V., Sofronova E. A. Neobryadovye liricheskie pesni udmurtov Tomskoy oblasti: poeticheskiye motivy i obrazy [Non-ritual lyrical songs of the Udmurts of the Tomsk region: poetic motives and images]. Kritika i Semio- tika [Critique and Semiotics]. 2023, no. 1, pp. 207–231.

Pchelovodova I. V., Sofronova E. A., Kornilov D. L. Muzykal’nyy fol’klor sibirskikh udmurtov v zvukovykh kollektsiyakh UIIYAL UDMFITS UrO RAN [Musical folklore of the Siberian Udmurts in the sound collections of the Udmurt Institute of History, Language and Literature of the Udmurt Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences]. Yearbook of Finno-Ugric Studies. 2019, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 615–622.

Pchelovodova I. V. Udmurtskaya pesennaya lirika: ot motiva k syuzhetu [Udmurt song lyrics: from motive to plot]. Izhevsk, 2013, 164 p.

Sofronova E. A., Perevozchikova O. V., Pchelovodova I. V. Sovremennye formy translyatsii fol’klornoy traditsii (po materialam v Glazovskiy i Yarskiy rayony Ud- murtskoy Respubliki) [Modern forms of translation of folklore tradition (based on mate-rials in the Glazovsky and Yarsky districts of the Udmurt Republic]. Historical and cultural heritage of the Ural-Volga region peoples. 2023, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 314–322.

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