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Name: Semasiological and onomasiological factors of meta-language commentary generation: determining the grounds for constructing a semantic typology of reflexives

Authors: Mikhail A. Kravchenko

Rostov State Transport University, Rostov on Don, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2024Pages 226-239
UDK: 811.1/.8DOI: 10.17223/18137083/87/18


The study follows the principles of everyday linguistics, a scientific field dedicated to examining language markers of metalanguage reflection. Specifically, it focuses on reflexives, which are text segments that convey explicit or implicit information of a metalanguage nature. Such metalanguage contexts differ significantly in structure, semantics, functionality, stylistics, and other aspects. Of relevance are the criteria for identifying a specific unit for analyzing and terminologically semanticizing reflexives. The analysis of the classifications of reflexives created by Russian linguists reveals that the semantics of reflexives is not limited to the sum of component meanings. The compilation of the semantic typology of reflexives started by defining the parameters of their semantics and identifying two categories. The first category includes the reflexives resulting from meta-linguistic reflection on a “ready-made” linguistic unit, while the second one comprises the reflexives generated through nomination. In terms of semantic theory, two distinct approaches can be observed in the formation of reflexives: semasiological and onomasiological. The semasiological approach suggests that the metalanguage tension arises between a word and its characteristics. The onomasiological approach places the metalanguage tension between the subject-conceptual domain and its designation. The semasiological factor underpins the creation of receptive reflexives, while the onomasiological factor leads to the creation of productive reflexives. The distinctive features of each category of reflexives are delineated by the conceptual dichotomies of “statics/dynamics,” “nonlinearity/linearity,” and “openness/closeness.” The study findings indicate that receptive reflexives possess static, nonlinear, and open attributes, whereas productive reflexives display dynamic, linear, and closed properties.

Keywords: metalanguage reflection, reflexive, semantic typology, semasiological factor, onomasiological factor


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