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Name: Persona and figurative picture of the world in the poetry of Ekaterina oyarskikh in the light of linguistic data

Authors: Yulia A. Arskaya, Akhmed A. Mamedov

Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2024Pages 212-225
UDK: 811.161.1’42DOI: 10.17223/18137083/87/17


The research analyzes the poetry of Ekaterina Boyarskikh, a contemporary poet from Irkutsk. The aim is to identify and describe the persona and the figurative picture of the world she creates. The method applied is linguistic data analysis. It is the poetic grammar, vocabulary, and the means of creating imagery that are the focus of the study. Consideration is given to lexical and grammatical features contributing to the creation of a persona and the world around it, such as the substantivization of adjectives and participles and the omission of syntactic subjects, finite verb forms, and primary nominatives. The syntactic specificity of Boyarskikh’s poetry manifests itself when compared to the conventional usage of the structures under investigation that were retrieved from the Russian National Corpus. The frequent use of the linguistic means involved is found to indicate a reflection on the cognized reality. This reflection proves to be an essential linguistic strategy for creating a fictional world. The analysis of comparative tropes unveils the striking parallels between the main images found in Boyarskikh’s poetry and the significant features of her figurative representation of the world. The research identifies nature as a common source of imagery, with natural objects regularly undergoing personification. The persona created by Boyarskikh is found to be strongly connected with the surrounding world being repeatedly cognized, as evidenced by the renunciation of conventional nominations and the search for new nominations of the objects of this world.

Keywords: Ekaterina Boyarskikh, poetry grammar, individual style, linguistic poetics, persona, figurative picture of the world, comparative tropes, personification


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