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Name: Desiderative in the Laskino subdialect of the Narym dialect of the Selkup language

Authors: Sergei V. Kovylin

Ivannikov Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation; Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2024Pages 192-211
UDK: 811.511.21DOI: 10.17223/18137083/87/16


The paper discusses the phonetic and semantic features of the desiderative mood markers in the Laskino subdialect of the Narym dialect of the Selkup language. Consideration is also given to the cognates of the desiderative suffix -ndȥ(V)- as markers of imperfective and future tense that are not clearly separated in synchrony. The study reveals the distinction between the use of the derivational and inflectional suffix -ndȥ(V)-. The reason for this distinction is that imperfective verbs consistently indicate the imperfective aspect. However, the aspectual relationship of the verb in the future tense and desiderative mood depends on the aspect of the verb stem. Additionally, suffixes seem to retain partially the meaning of imperfectivity in inflection. Most examples in the Laskino subdialect have the suffix -ndȥ(V)- used to convey desire, with the indicator -l(e)- mainly expressing the future tense. The discussion also focuses on the distribution of the suffix -ndȥ(V)- as a marker of the imperfective/future tense/desiderative in the Southern and Central dialects. In Southern dialects, the suffix -ndȥ(V)- is primarily utilized to convey the future tense. In Central dialects, the suffix -ndȥ(V)- serves to express desire and indicate the peripheral future tense, while the suffix -l(e)- is the main marker of the future tense. The identification of the suffix -(e)ndȥ(V)- as an indicator of imperfectivity in the Southern and Central dialects (excluding the Sondrovo subdialects, where it was absent) demonstrated a relatively limited occurrence, suggesting its peripheral usage.

Keywords: desiderative, imperfectivity, future tense, Selkup language, Narym dialect


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