Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: Semantics and functions of Shor similarity markers in the field of comparativity Authors: Irina V. Shentsova Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: This paper describes the semantics and etymology of comparative operators in the Shor language compared to other Turkic languages. Shor similarity constructions as structures of equality are referred to as “ungraded constructions,” with two components of such a construction being equal or similar. The characterizing component expressed by a noun and marked by a postpositional unit called “an operator” forms a comparative combination. Shor comparative operators exhibit unique features as markers of similarity. Comparative combinations characterizing nouns use the syntactic words tӧӧy, chüünüγ, oshqash, sheni, che, an adjective teƞ, and affixes =tiγ, =tiyi as operators. These combinations can be attributes or predicates in a sentence. The semantic function of these operators is mainly “equative,” covering qualitative and quantitative characteristics. The operators tӧӧy, chüünüγ, teƞ denote a high degree of similarity between objects. The operator oshqash denotes the similarity in the appearance and character of objects. The operators sheni and che designate the equal size of objects. These operators, excluding sheni and che, take predicative affixes in the present indicative tense in the predicate position; otherwise, they are used with an auxiliary verb. The affix =tiγ expresses a comparative meaning in metaphors; otherwise, it denotes the possession of some feature. The affix =tiyi is used in the position of a predicate. Comparative combinations characterizing verbs use the syntactic words chilep (chylap), sheni (shenep, sheninche), and che as operators. These combinations can serve as adverbial modifiers of manner, with their semantic function emphasizing the “similative” identity of the manner of action. Keywords: Shor language, equality constructions, similarity markers, comparative operator Bibliography: Bondarko A. V. Teoriya znacheniya v sisteme funktsional’noy grammatiki (na materiale russkogo yazyka) [Theory of meaning in the system of functional grammar (on the material of the Russian language)]. Moscow, LRC Publishing House, 2002, 736 p. Chispiyakov E. F. Uchebnik shorskogo yazyka [Textbook of the Shor language]. Kemerovo, Kn. izd., 1992, 318 p. Dybo A. V. Lingvisticheskie kontakty rannikh tyurkov. Leksicheskiy fond. Pratyurkskiy period [Linguistic contacts of the early Turks. Lexical fund. Pratyurkic period]. Moscow, Vost. lit., 2007, 223 p. Dyrenkova N. P. Grammatika shorskogo yazyka [Grammar of the Shor language]. Moscow, Leningrad, AS SSSR, 1941, 303 p. Koshkareva N. B., Plotnikov I. M. Metayazyk opisaniya semantiki sravneniya kak yazykovogo znaka [Meta-language for describing the semantics of comparison as a linguistic sign]. Critique and Semiotics. 2023, no. 2, pp. 180–216. DOI 10.25205/2307-1753-2023-2-180-216 Nevskaya I. A. Tipologicheskie osobennosti shorskikh ekvativnykh i similya-tivnykh konstruktsiy [Typological features of Shor equative and similative constructions]. Siberian Journal of Philology. 2022, no. 4. pp. 286–299. DOI 10.17223/ 18137083/81/22 Ozonova A. A. Sposoby vyrazheniya sravneniya v altayskom epose (na materiale eposa “Ochy-Bala”) [Ways of comparison expression in the Altai epic (on the material of the epic “Ochy-Bala”)]. Epic Studies. 2023, no. 3 (31), pp. 42–55. Shamina L. A. Strategiya markirovaniya komparativnoy leksiki v tuvinskikh tekstakh [Strategy of labeling comparative lexicon in Tuvan texts]. Vestnik of Tuvan State University. Issue 1. Social sciences and humanities. 2022 , no. 1 (88), pp. 35–46. Shcherbak A. M. Ocherki po sravnitel’noy morfologii tyurkskikh yazykov (Imya) [Essays on the comparative morphology of the Turkic languages (Name)]. Leningrad, Nauka, 1977, 182 p. Shcherbak A. M. Ocherki po sravnitel’noy morfologii tyurkskikh yazykov (narechie, sluzhebnye chasti rechi, izobrazitel’nye slova) [Essays on comparative morphology of Turkic languages (adverbs, auxiliary words, imitative words)]. Leningrad, Nauka, 1987, 152 p. Shentsova I. V. Pragmatika komparativnykh konstruktsiy v epicheskikh tekstakh tyurkov Sayano-Altaya [Pragmatics of comparative constructions in epic texts of Sayano-Altai Turks]. Critique and Semiotics. 2022, no. 2, pp. 10–23. DOI 10.25205/ 2307-1737-2022-2-158-173 Shentsova I. V. Shorskiy yazyk. Morfologiya: Ucheb. posobie [Shor language. Morphology: Textbook]. Novokuznetsk, NSPI, 1999, 72 p. |
Institute of Philology Nikolaeva st., 8, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation +7-383-330-15-18, ifl@philology.nsc.ru |
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