Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: The works of F. M. Dostoevsky in lifetime almanacs and children’s periodicals Authors: Vera V. Filicheva Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkinskij Dom) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation In the section Study of literature
Abstract: The paper addresses the publications of texts written by Fedor Dostoevsky in 1863–1881 in chrestomathies for various educational institutions, collections (anthologies) of works, and periodicals for children, such as “Vospitanie i obuchenie” (“Upbringing and Education”), “Detskoe chtenie” (“Children’s Reading”), “Semeynye vechera” (“Family Evenings”). These are special lifetime publications of some works, fragments, excerpts, and reworks of the writer that have not yet been sufficiently studied. They are likely to have been published without the author’s participation, with only five of them noted in the bibliography compiled by A. G. Dostoevsky. These works were specifically tailored for certain types of readers, such as children, individuals learning Russian as beginners, those who enjoy entertaining literature, and more. Not only are such publications important for studying the writer’s reputation, position, literary preferences of the era, and publishing peculiarities in the 1860s and 1880s, but also such “chrestomatic” texts contribute to the literary canon formation. “Zapiski iz mertvogo doma” (“Notes from the Dead House”) turned out to be the most “convenient” for such publications due in part to the structure of this work itself. It is composed of separate fragments to be easily separated from each other without any need to retell the missing fragments. This paper is to complement the well-known bibliographies of Dostoevsky compiled by S. V. Belov and S. Rublev. Moreover, the questions are formulated to be answered by analyzing such publications. Keywords: F. M. Dostoevsky, lifetime editions, bibliography, anthology, children’s reading Bibliography: Alekseeva L. V. Problemy atributsii v issledovaniyakh o F. M. Dostoevskom (obzor predlozhennykh resheniy) [Attribution problems in research on F. M. 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The Unknown Dostoevsky. 2021, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 21–41. |
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