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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: Daria A. Shchukina St. Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: This paper discusses the use of intertextuality in the titles of literary works. Intertextuality is an artistic technique that allows authors to engage in a dialogue with the texts of their predecessors and contemporaries. The most complex relations between texts are formed when a work quotes the classic literary work title. The paper shows how the title of a work being in a strong position relative to the rest of the text realizes different varieties of intertextuality. Modern authors develop the intertextual potential of pretexts in several directions, including person and creativity, person and fate, person and elemental force, and person and civilization. A. P. Chekhov’s “Sakhalin Island” and E. Verkin’s “Sakhalin Island” are comparatively analyzed to reveal theoretical positions. In the modern novel, the relationship between a person and the world becomes hostile, leading to conflict. It is noted that the text concerned contains details that correlate with the dystopia genre. The thesis is formulated that Russian classical literature acts as a pretext for modern works. Intertextuality is used to generate a text and create meaning. Metatextuality realized in recognizable quotes-headings in modern texts actualizes the author’s worldview and adjusts the reader’s interpretative mechanism to perceive textual information through the prism of classical literary canons. It is through comprehension, transformation, and reinterpretation that the “other person’s word” (the term of M. M. Bakhtin) becomes the modern author’s own, retaining dialogic features. Twenty-first-century writers conduct a multifaceted, intense dialogue with the precedent texts of their famous predecessors. Keywords: intertextuality, title of the literary text, “Sakhalin Island”, A. P. Chekhov, E. Verkin Bibliography: Arnold I. V. Semantika. Stilistika. Intertekstual’nost’ [Semantics. Stylistics. 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