Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: Terms denoting livestock body parts in the Yakut language (in comparison with the Buryat language) Authors: Nadezhda I. Danilova, Fedor N. Diachkovskiy Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yakutsk, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: The paper presents a structural description of the terminological phrases relating to the thematic group “Livestock body parts” in the Yakut and Buryat languages. These lexical units refer to the folk terms reflecting the features of the material and spiritual culture of an ethnic group and are widely used in languages of very different typologies. Such phrases are formed analytically, representing non-single-word nominative units denoting one specific concept or real object. Their lexical meaning can be realized at the denotative and/or connotative levels. The terminological phrases under study occupy a special place in the lexicon of the languages in question as an effective way of creating terms. Word pairs are a part of this vocabulary group. An active way of compound word formation in Yakut and Buryat is the method of adjunction used to form attributive phrases with an adjective or a participle as an attribute. Both languages feature terminological phrases formed morphologically. Such phrases have an attributive function, designating a part of a whole object or a type of a generic concept, with the determining component occupying the pre-position. In Yakut, these phrases have their components connected by the possessive affix of the third person. Buryat terms denoting animal body parts are formed by a combination with the determining component in the genitive case. It is noteworthy that in Yakut nominal constructions, the indicator of the connection between the components is attached to the component being determined, while in Buryat, it is attached to the determining one. Keywords: Yakut, Buryat, comparative-contrastive studies, word formation, livestock, body parts Bibliography: Antonov N. K. Materialy po istoricheskoy leksike yakutskogo yazyka [Materials on the historical vocabulary of the Yakut language]. Yakutsk, Yakut. kn. izd., 1971, 174 p. Budazhapova L. B. 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