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Name: Semantic history of the word in the light of the dynamism of the linguistic picture of the world (a case study of the word ambitsiya (ambition) and its derivatives)

Authors: Lyudmila I. Gorbunova

Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2023Pages 183-196
UDK: 81'373.612.2DOI: 10.17223/18137083/85/14


The correlation of dynamism and stability of the language picture of the world is considered by analyzing the changes in the semantics of the word ambitsiya (ambition) and its derivatives. In the 19th century, the borrowed word ambitsiya had its meaning of “self-respect” complicated by the component “excessive.” It happens because much attention in the Russian picture of the world is paid to the degree and form of manifestation of self-respect). In the 19th and 20th centuries, the meaning of “exacerbated ego” dominated with a negative connotation. The original meaning of “self-respect” went to the periphery since focusing on oneself admiring one’s own merits is not the fundamental idea of the Russian world. Given the reorientation from the inner world of a person to business qualities, the middle of the 20th century witnessed the actualization of the meaning of “the main goal, the desire to get something.” However, ambitsiya and its derivatives still expressed stable value attitudes: the desire to become superior to others often does not correlate with the real merits of an individual, is “too much,” and is based on negative qualities. The new meaning of words indicates the borrowing of a concept from another culture. Nevertheless, this did not change the Russian linguistic picture of the world, with this (alien) concept being transformed under the influence of the value orientations of the Russian picture of the world without any transformations of the latter.

Keywords: language picture of the world, axiology, ambition, dynamism of the picture of the world


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