Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Name: Phonetic markers of the loss of analytism by verbal constructions (a case study of the Khakas epos)

Authors: Iraida Ya. Selyutina

Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2023Pages 138-153
UDK: 811.512.15.1’342DOI: 10.17223/18137083/85/11


The paper determines the specifics of phonetic transformations in the synthesis of verbal analytical constructions (VACs) in the Khakass folklore, compared to the Shor and Tuvan heroic tales. The implementation of VACs in the Khakass heroic tale “Ai-Huuҷyn” was analyzed using auditory and instrumental methods, with speech pausation as the dominant marker. The analysis reveals the complete loss of external interword pauses that historically delimited the components of a verbal complex and determined their independent status. The modern folklore language retains only strong and moderate internal inter-syllabic pauses. The prevalence of constructions with a strong internal pause separating the main verb from the auxiliary and genetically ascending to the external interword pause indicates the incompleteness of the conversion of VACs into secondary synthetic forms at the phonetic level. Whether an affix is present or absent in the adverbial part of the main verb is also an important indicator of phonetic transformations of the verbal cluster. The prevalence of analytical combinations with the full form of the adverbial participle in the heroic tale text (69.4 % of the entire sample) indicates that, despite the active processes of the VAC synthesis, the positions of analytism remain quite stable. The comparison of the results obtained with the data on the Shor and Tuvan VACs demonstrates the common nature of phonotactic transformations of VACs due to the common Sayano-Altaic archetype. However, folklore languages exhibit varying degrees and rates of phonetic transformations that mark the processes of VAC synthesis.

Keywords: Turkic languages of South Siberia, Khakas epic, verbal analytical constructions, synthesis, sandhi, speech pause, adverbial index, phonetic transformations


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