Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: Features of historical and literary commentary in the preparation of a scientific publication (a case study of “Small collected works of F. V. Volkhovsky”) Authors: Nataliya V. Zhilyakova, Alexandr E. Mazurov Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russian Federation In the section Study of literature
Abstract: The actualization of the pre-revolutionary Siberian literature is relevant for researchers. The active investigation of local history, coupled with a keen interest in local history and literature, facilitates the introduction of texts previously in the status of “phantom” into the realm of scientific inquiry. Since most publishing projects have the dual objective of popularization and research, text commentary plays a vital role in their realization. This paper discusses the specifics of the historical and literary commentary in the works of F. V. Volkhovsky, the poet-populist, publicist, and “unofficial editor” of the “Sibirskaya gazeta.” These works are to be published as a small collection of works. Here, historical and literary commentary serves as a “guide” to the late 19th century Tomsk life, revealing the activities of the institutions and topographical realities, “deciphering” the names, and explaining the events being referred to. One plot to be disclosed in detail was Volkhovsky’s statement in the “Sibirskaya Gazeta” in 1884 that caused an open confrontation between the Tomsk City Duma and the periodical. A comprehensive analysis of the context, details, and reflection surrounding the “copper nickel case” in the feuilletons led to the conclusion that readers cannot understand the plot associated with this “case” without being acquainted with a substantial portion of the materials published by F. V. Volkhovsky in 1884. The “censorship background” expands the plot by complementing the facts. Despite being fiction, the feuilleton is primarily based on documentary facts and relies on the reader’s understanding of specific references. Keywords: F. V. Volkhovsky, commentary, collected works, feuilletons, “the case of the copper penny,” “Sibirskaya gazeta” Bibliography: Andreeva A. A., Petrova O. A. 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