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Name: Metaphorical models of time flow in the Altai language: comparison with other Turkic languages

Authors: Elena V. Tyuntesheva

Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2023Pages 255-269
UDK: 811.512.1(1-925.11/.16)DOI: 10.17223/18137083/84/18


This study examines the time flow models based on a conventional (dead) “space-time” metaphor. In particular, the compatibility of motion verbs with nominations of time periods in Altai, in contrast with other Turkic languages, is analyzed. Directed motion verbs are used depending on the typical phase meaning of the beginning or end of the movement. The choice of these verbs reflects a fragment of the Altai linguistic worldview related to the ideas of these linguocultural communities about time. The Altai and Kazakh world models feature the time of annual and daily cycles moving both horizontally and vertically. The bottom is related to winter and dark periods of the day. In the Altai horizontal model, time belongs to the space where the observer is located. In the modern language, it is particularly true for the dark periods of the day. The Tuvan model has seasonal and daily cycles moving from the top to the bottom. Three dynamic and two static models can be distinguished, primarily including directed motion verbs because of the temporal flow directionality. Some models of time flow found in the Russian language are practically not represented in the Altai language and possibly also in other Turkic languages of Siberia. These models include motion verbs associated with the characterization of fast /slow time flow, as well as synchronous models. The latter may indicate a lower activity of humans within the time flow, excluding one’s life progression, in the Altai linguistic worldview compared to the Russian one.

Keywords: Turkic languages, Altai, verbs of motion, metaphorical model of time flow, linguistic World-Image


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