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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: Elena Yu. Shestakova The Branch of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov in Severodvinsk, Severodvinsk, Russian Federation In the section Study of literature
Abstract: This paper deals with the artistic solution of the theme of “the life and death of a man” in the stories about the childhood of the Russian writer, Ivan Sergeevich Shmelev. The analysis covers the works created in 1909–1911 that have not been investigated so far, indicating the novelty of the study. Archival materials and little-known texts of Shmelev are introduced into scientific circulation. The stories “Shelf,” “On the Seashore,” “Gingerbread (the doctor’s story),” and “Stars” ontologically address the issues of the purpose and meaning of human life and death. The theme of human existence is disclosed in the works concerned, accompanied by the natural background entering into an inseparable relationship with the characters. The spiritual antithesis principle – the semantic dominant of the stories – highlights the outcome of earthly and postmortem human existence. The antinomy of ideal and reality is interpreted as heroes’ aspiration for the “world of God.” Human powers and opportunities addressed to the harmonization of reality, overcoming the tragedy of earthly life, relief of suffering, confrontation of disease and death are comprehended by the sacred gifts of God. The image of books and reading, allowing one to acquire the basic constant definitions of being, takes a special place in the texts considered. Artistic creativity becomes a part of the general ontological problematics, close to the phenomena determining the integrity and uniqueness of each human destiny – life and death. The originality of the verbal and linguistic structure of the stories reveals the brightness and originality of Shmelev’s talent. Keywords: I. S. Shmelev, the theme of “life and death of a person”, stories about children, the image of a child, creativity Bibliography: Chernikov A. P. Proza I. S. Shmeleva: kontseptsiya mira i cheloveka [I. S. Shmelev’s prose: the concept of the world and man]. Kaluga, Kaluzh. obl. in-t usovershenstvovaniya uchiteley, 1995, 341 p. Dunaev M. M. Dukhovnyy put’ I. Shmeleva [The Spiritual Path of I. Shmelev]. In: Dukhovnyy put’ Ivana Shmeleva: stat’i, ocherki, vospominaniya [The Spiritual Path of Ivan Shmelev: articles, essays, memoirs]. Moscow, Sibirskaya Blagozvonnitsa, 2009, pp. 352–369. Fedorov N. I. Sud’ba Shmeleva [The fate of Shmelev]. In: Dukhovnyy put’ Ivana Shmeleva: stat’i, ocherki, vospominaniya [The spiritual path of Ivan Shmelev: articles, essays, memoirs]. Moscow, Sibirskaya Blagozvonnitsa, 2009, pp. 101–111. Il’in I. A. Sobr. soch.: V 10 t. [Collected works: In 10 vols.]. Moscow, Russkaya kniga, 1996, vol. 6, bk. 1, 560 p. Kirlo Kh. Slovar’ simvolov. 1000 statey o vazhneyshikh ponyatiyakh religii, literatury, arkhitektury, istorii [Dictionary of symbols. 1000 articles on the most important concepts of religion, literature, architecture, history]. Moscow, Tsentrpoligraf, 2007, 525 p. Lyubomudrov A. M. Bogoishchushchaya dusha [The God-seeking soul]. In: Dukhovnyy put’ Ivana Shmeleva: stat’i, ocherki, vospominaniya [The spiritual path of Ivan Shmelev: articles, essays, memoirs]. Moscow, Sibirskaya Blagozvonnitsa, 2009a, pp. 225–282. Lyubomudrov A. M. Ivan Sergeevich Shmelev. Biografiya [Biography]. In: Dukhovnyy put’ Ivana Shmeleva: stat’i, ocherki, vospominaniya [The spiritual path of Ivan Shmelev: articles, essays, memoirs]. Moscow, Sibirskaya Blagozvonnitsa, 2009b, pp. 9–20. Shmelev I. S. Na morskom beregu [On the seashore]. In: Detyam: sbornik [For children: collection]. Moscow, Det. lit., 2010, pp. 297–343. Shmelev I. S. Polochka [Shelf]. In Shmelev I. S. Sobr. soch.: V 5 t. [Collected works: In 5 vols.]. Moscow, Russkaya kniga, 2000, vol. 8 (additional). Rvanyy barin. Rasskazy. Ocherki. Skazki. [A ragged gentleman. Stories. Essays. Fairy tales], pp. 95–107. Sobolev N. I. Dinamicheskaya poetika rasskaza I. S. Shmeleva “Polochka” (ot rukopisi k pechatnomu tekstu) [Dynamic Poetics of I. S. Shmelev’s short story “The Shelf” (from the manuscript to the printed text)]. The Problems of Historical Poetics. 2018, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 140–156. Sorokina O. N. Tvorcheskiy put’ I. S. Shmeleva v emigratsii [I. S. Shmelev’s creative path in emigration]. In: Dukhovnyy put’ Ivana Shmeleva: stat’i, ocherki, vospominaniya [The spiritual path of Ivan Shmelev: articles, essays, memoirs]. Moscow, Sibirskaya Blagozvonnitsa, 2009, pp. 60–87. Sosnovskaya O. A. Obraz knigi v ranney proze I. S. Shmeleva [The image of the book in the early prose of I. S. Shmelev]. The Problems of Historical Poetics. 2016, no. 14, pp. 333–345. Zhantiyom-Kutyrin Iv. Moy krestnyy: vospominaniya ob Ivane Shmeleve. Pis’ma I. Shmeleva [My Godfather: memories of Ivan Shmelev. Letters of I. Shmelev]. Moscow, Izd. im. Sabashnikovykh, 2010, 174 p. |
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