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Name: L. D. Shagdarov: an outstanding scientist-mongolist, a teacher

Authors: Badmaeva L. B.

Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Brunch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Ude, Russian Federation

In the section Scientific life

Issue 2, 2022Pages 356-359
UDK: 495DOI: 10.17223/18137083/79/26


The article is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of the famous Buryat scientist L. D. Shagdarov, who devoted his life to Mongolian philology. His scholarly works cover the problems of grammatical structure, stylistics, vocabulary, spelling, lexicography, and syntax of the Buryat language.

Keywords: L. D. Shagdarov, Mongolian philology, grammatical structure, stylistics, vocabulary, syntax, lexicography of the Buryat language


Badmaeva L. Unikal’nyy slovarnyy svod buryatskogo slovarya [The unique dictionary of the Buryat language]. Buryatia. 2006. December 19, p. 5.

Uralo-altayskoe yazykoznanie (tyurko-mongol’skoe yazykoznanie): Entsiklopediya [Uralo-Altaic linguistics (Turkic-Mongolian linguistics): Encyclopedia]. Moscow, 2001, 559 p. (Seriya: Vedushchie yazykovedy mira; Vyp. 4 [Series: Leading linguists of the world; Iss. 4])

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