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Name: Semantics and pragmatics of statements with psych verbs

Authors: Nikitina E. N., Onipenko N. K.

Federal Research Center “Computer Science and Control” of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation

Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2022Pages 271-285
UDK: 811.161.1DOI: 10.17223/18137083/79/19


The paper considers Russian causative (transitive) psych verbs with semantics of state and ac-tion, such as udivlyat’ – udivit’ (to surprise), ogorchat’ – ogorchit’ (to upset). Also, the authors discuss how the speech of Internet communication and traditional dialogue influences the addressee by means of the statements comprising the verbs concerned. An analysis was made of such statements as: (1) advertising slogans (imperative mood); (2) active Internet links-headlines (past perfect tense with the 3rd person causer); (3) prospective rhetorical strategy (the simple future form with the 1st person causer and 2nd person causer); (4) a retrospective speech strategy (the present tense with 2nd person causer and the 1st person causer). Being used in special illocutionary acts, the statements in question feature different aspects of action and state depending on communicative conditions. The study has revealed a distinct perfect meaning in the actual present tense of causative psych verbs. Expressing non-descriptive (non-ascertaining) meaning, the statements are similar to speech acts. Emotive component of the psych verbs under study combined with inherent agentive one of speech acts has a manipulative potential on addressee that is realized in: (1) the urge to buy through the promise of a pleasant emotion; (2) the urge to click links through the implicit promise of emotion; (3) the speaker’s mental control of the addressee’s emotions; (4) the declarative-emotional influence on the addressee to induce him/her to change his/her behavior. Causative psych verbs function as a powerful argument allowing the speaker to appeal to the emotional sphere of addressee.

Keywords: semantics of verb, Russian causative psych verb, construction, action, speech act, perfect, per-sonal forms of verb


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