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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: Malysheva N. V., Osorova M. A. M. K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: This paper considers the phytonyms with somatic components in the Yakut language. The purpose was to define the motivational features of the Yakut language nominations of the phytonyms with somatic components. The tasks were to identify phytonyms with somatic components in the Yakut language, consider how their nominations are formed, determine their motivational formation sign, and identify the nominal role of somatisms in the composition of phytonyms. Scientific novelty of the research is investigating how the nominations with somatic components are formed. Such a work has never been undertaken in Yakut linguistics. In the course of the study, 60 somatisms in 27 phytonyms reflecting different kinds of stable associative links in the language were collected and analyzed. Phytonyms were divided into several groups according to the soma components identified: emij ‘udder’, tiŋilekh ‘heel’, tyŋyrakh ‘claw’, atakh ‘paw’, tyl ‘tongue’, tumsu ‘neb’, muos ‘horn’, bas and tobo ‘head’, kuturuk ‘tail’, battakh ‘hair’, and others. The study has revealed that the most common are phytonyms with somatic words: kuturuk ‘tail’, tyl ‘tongue’, and tobo ‘head’. The analysis has found the most frequent somatisms to be two-component ones, with four-component ones being less common. Keywords: nomination, vocabulary stratum, phytonym, phyto-vocabulary, somatism, somatiс words, somacomponent, Yakut language Bibliography: Atlas lekarstvennykh rasteniy Yakutii [Atlas of medicinal plants of Yakutia]. B. I. Ivanov (Ed. in Ch.). Yakutsk, SB RAS Publ., 2003, vol. 1: Lekarstvennye rasteniya, ispol’zuemye v nauchnoy meditsine [Medicinal plants used in scientific medicine], 193 p. Bol’shoy tolkovyy slovar’ yakutskogo yazyka: V 15 t. [Large explanatory dictionary of the Yakut language: In 15 vols]. P. A. Sleptsov (Ed.). Novosibirsk, Nauka, 2004, vol. 9; 2008, vol. 4, 5; 2010, vol. 7; 2014, vol. 11; 2017, vol. 14. Chebochakova I. M. Somatizmy kak baza dlya slovoobrazovaniya v khakasskom yazyke [Somatisms as a basis for word formation in Khakassian language]. Siberian Journal of Philology. 2017, no. 4, pp. 271–281. Dialektologicheskiy slovar’ yakutskogo yazyka [A dialectological dictionary of the Yakut language]. P. S. Afanas’ev, M. S. Voronkin, M. P. Alekseev (Comps). Moscow, Nauka, 1976, 392 p. Efimova M. D. (Aallaakhtyyna). Sakhalyy emtenii. D’okuuskay, Bichik, 2009, 64 p. Gogoleva P. A., Struchkova S. G., Fedorova E. D. Rasteniya alasov [Alas plants]. Yakutsk, 2016, 34 p. Ivanova V. I. Dvudol’nye rasteniya okrestnostey g. Yakutska (Opredelitel’): Ucheb. Posobie [Dicotyledonous plants of the vicinities of Yakutsk (V. I. Identifier): Textbook]. Yakutsk, 1990, 159 p. Ivanov B. I., Ivanova A. D. Ispol’zovanie lekarstvennykh rasteniy Yakutii [The use of medicinal plants of Yakutia]. Novosibirsk, Nauka, 2009, 189 p. Kuznetsova L. V., Isaev A. P., Timofeev P. A. i dr. Lekarstvennye rasteniya Yakutii [Medicinal plants of Yakutia]. Yakutsk, Bichik, 2016, 96 p. Malysheva N. V., Zakharov Kh. A. Yakutskaya leksika lekarstvennykh rasteniys komponentom “ot”: strukturno-semanticheskaya osobennost’ [Yakut lexicon of medicinal plants with the component "from": structural and semantic peculiarity]. Vestnik of North-Eastern Federal University. 2019, no. 6, pp. 123–135. Novgorodov E. P. Lekarstvennye rasteniya Oymyakon’ya [Medicinal plants of Oymiakonya]. Yakutsk, Bichik, 2003, 80 p. Pekarskiy E. K. Slovar’ yakutskogo yazyka: V 3 t. [Dictionary of the Yakut language: In 3 vols]. Leningrad, AS USSR Publ., 1959, vol. 1, 1200 p.; vol. 2, 2010 p; vol. 3, 3858 p. Petrov A. M. Slovar’ russko-latinsko-yakutskikh nazvaniy rasteniy Yakutii [Dictionary of Russian-Latin-Yakutian plant names of Yakutia]. Yakutsk, SB RAS Publ., 2002, 125 p. |
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