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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: Karacheva O. B. Amur State University, Blagoveshchensk, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: Given the strong influence of the Russian language on the endangered Evenki language, studying the interfered Russian speech of the Evenks is of a great relevance. The present study is experimental phonetic research of melodic contour features in the Russian speech of the Evenks. The aim was to compare the intonation of interrogativeness and incompleteness in Russian and Evenki to identify universal and specific features. Also, the focus was on considering the melodic features of general questions and affirmative statements with the intonation of incompleteness in the Russian speech of Evenki speakers at the suprasegmental level. Evenki intonation accent results from the two systems’ contact. The comparative analysis of the melodic contour of structures in question in the Russian and Evenki languages enabled us to determine the field of potential interference. Experimental phonetic experiments revealed the universal nature of the nuclear tone realization by inclination in general questions and affirmations with the intonation of incompleteness. Affirmative statements were found to be realized at a lower level compared to general questions. The Evenki intonation system influence can be seen in the ascending movement of the pitch from the beginning of the segment and up to the nuclear tone in questions, which is different in the Russian language. Of declinational character is the movement of the tone on the pre-scale and scale in affirmative statements. The main manifestations of the Evenki language interference are considered the smaller range of segments, the less steepness and the step-like nature of pitch changes. Keywords: Evenki language, Russian language, interference, intonation contour, intonation of incompleteness, pitch, inclination Bibliography: Andreeva T. E. 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