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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: Zhilyakova N. V., Gerasimchuk I. V. Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russian Federation In the section Study of literature
Abstract: This study aimed to identify the features of the “Tomsk period” of the work of G. A. Vyatkin and define the main directions of his literary activity. Publications in the Tomsk pre-revolutionary periodical press were analyzed, with the information from research papers generalized and systematized. Vyatkin is known to have lived in Tomsk from 1893 to 1915. He collaborated with many periodicals in Tomsk and Siberia, published his works in the capital magazines, and was personally acquainted with prominent contemporaries – I. A. Bunin, A. M. Gorky, and A. N. Tolstoy. Vyatkin was most in demand as a poet. He published several poetry collections, with some works “tested” on the pages of newspapers and magazines. The poet tried his hand not only in poetry: in 1902, he was invited as a permanent reviewer to the magazine “Sibirskiy nablyudatel’” (“Siberian Observer”). Vyatkin successfully combined his poetic and literary criticism with fictional and journalistic work in Tomsk and Russian newspapers and magazines. Numerous essays, stories, and etudes by Vyatkin were interspersed with travel notes, press reviews, articles on a political theme, and feuilletons. The analysis of the “Tomsk period” of Vyatkin’s creativity gives an idea of his growth, the development of various spheres of literature and journalism, and the expansion of the range of methods and techniques. The combination of journalistic and literary activities was reflected in Vyatkin’s texts, with many of them being the responses to the actual events of the author’s personal life and the socio-political situation of Russia and Siberia. Keywords: Siberian journalism and literature, G. A. Vyatkin, poetry, prose, journalism Bibliography: Burleshin A. V. “My vstretimsya snova. ya veryu…”: rets. na kn.: Vyatkin G. A. Sobr. soch.: V 5 t. Omsk, 2005–2006 [“We will meet again. 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