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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: Elena A. Papkova A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation In the section Study of literature
Abstract: The paper considers self-parody as a kind of self-reflection in the works of Vsevolod Ivanov in the 1910s–1920s. The most striking and well-known self-parody example is the image of the Chinese Shin-Bin-Wu in the adventurous novel “Iprit “ that comically reinterprets one of the plot twists and the same type of character in the famous story about the Civil War “Bronepoezd 14-69”. The origins of the self-parody are not due to external reasons: the social order for the “Krasny Pinkerton,” communication between Ivanov, as a member of the “Serapionov Brothers” group, and theorists and practitioners of literary parody. Ivanov’s self-parody is conditioned by internal sources. The works of the 1910s reveal the young writer’s tendency to embody the main topics and motifs of his work almost simultaneously in tragic and comic variants. It is suggested that the writer’s self-parodies of 1918s–1919s originate from his awareness of the illusory nature of his aspirations and ideals and the impossibility of their realization. Also, a parody autobiography of 1922, in the spirit of “The Three Musketeers,” interpreting the tragic events of the Civil War in Siberia, self-parodies of the 1920s (the peasant revolution, the “secret secrets” of the human soul, the ideals of the “hearth-house” and the “mother and comforter of sorrows” destroyed during the revolutionary period) are assumed to be the author’s attempt to renounce some facts of his real or artistic biography, his desire to internally confirm for himself the correctness of his new path in life and art. Keywords: auto-parody, self-reflection, V. Ivanov, sources of auto-parody Bibliography: Antsyferova O. Yu. Literaturnaya samorefleksiya v tvorchestve Genri Dzheymsa [Literary self-reflection in the works of Henry James]. Ivanovo, ISU, 2004, 468 p. Bol’shaya tsenzura. Pisateli i zhurnalisty v Strane Sovetov, 1917–1956 [Great censorship. Writers and journalists in the Country of Soviets, 1917–1956]. A. N. Yakovlev (Ed.), L. V. Maksimenkov (Comp.) Moscow, Materik Demokratiya, 2005, 752 p. Chagin A. I. Puti i litsa. O russkoy literature XX veka [aths and faces. On the Russian literature of the 20th century]. Moscow, Institute for Linguistic Studies RAS, 2008, 593 p. Frezinsky B. Sud’by serapionov (Portrety I syuzhety) [The fates of the Serapions (Portraits and plots)]. St. Petersburg, Akademicheskiy proekt, 2003, 590 p. Ivanov Vs. Dykhanie pustyni. Rasskazy [Breath of the desert. Stories]. Leningrad, Priboy, 1927, 168 p. Ivanov Vs. Kreml’. U. Romany [Kremlin. U. Novels].Moscow, Sov. Pisatel’, 1990, 528 p. Ivanov Vs., Shklovskiy V. Iprit. Roman [Iprite. Novel]. St. Petersburg, Red Fish, TID “Amfora”, 2005, 399 p. Ivanov Vs. Taynoe taynykh [Secret of secrets]. E. A. Papkova (Pep. of the ed.), N. V. Kornienko (Ed.). Moscow, Nauka, 2012, 568 p. (Seriya “Literaturnye pamyatniki” [Series “Literary monuments”]) Ivanov Vs. Taynoe taynykh. Povesti i rasskazy. Pis’ma [Secret of secrets. Novels and stories. Letters]. Novosibirsk, “Svin’in i synov’ya” Publ. House, 2015, 400 p. Krasnoshchekova E. A. Khudozhestvennyy mir Vsevoloda Ivanova [The artistic world of Vsevolod Ivanov]. Moscow, Sov. Pisatel’, 1980, 352 p. Neizvestnyy Vsevolod Ivanov. Materialy biografii i tvorchestva [Unknown Vsevolod Ivanov. Materials of biography and creativity]. E. A. Papkova (Ed. in Ch.). Moscow, Institute for Linguistic Studies RAS, 2010, 784 p. Nikolaev D. D. Russkaya proza 1920–1930-kh godov: avantyurnaya, fantasticheskaya i istoricheskaya proza [Russian prose of the 1920s–1930s: adventurous, fantastic and historical prose]. Moscow, Nauka, 2006, 686 p. Vsevolod Ivanov. “Bronepoezd 14-69”: Konteksty istorii [“Armored train14-69”: Contexts of history]. N. V. Kornienko (Ed. in Ch.). Moscow, Institute for Linguistic Studies RAS, 2018, 736 p. Yakimova L. P. “Pri zhizni proizvedev v Klassiki”. Vsevolod Ivanov v istoriko-literaturnom kontekste 20–30 godov XX veka [“During his life he was made a classic”. Vsevolod Ivanov in the literary-historical context of the 20–30s of the 20th century]. Novosibirsk, SB RAS Publ. House, 2019, 256 p. Zoshchenko M. Kruzhevnye travy [Lace herbs]. Literaturnye zapiski. 1922, no. 2, pp. 9. |
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