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Name: Terminography of the Sakha language: formation and composition

Authors: Egor I. Okoneshnikov, Aleksandra S. Akimova, Yulia M. Borisova

Institute for Humanitarian Research and North Indigenous Peoples Problems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yakutsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2021Pages 214-228
UDK: 811.512.157DOI: 10.17223/18137083/77/16

Abstract: The paper, following the modern theory of terminography, considers the formation and composition of the terminology of the Sakha language selection and quality of vocabulary dictionaries, and their composition (inventory and interpretation) parameters. Yakut termino- graphy has dictionaries for all branches of knowledge: nine – in natural sciences, six – in social (humanitarian) sciences, one – in technical sciences, with there being also four macro-compositional (multi-field) dictionaries. The authors provide a classification analysis of terminological dictionaries for typologies and compositional parameters. According to compositional parameters, there are multi-field and single-field dictionaries in Sakha terminology. An inventory of terms is a collection and description of all words-terms belonging to the selected field of knowledge or its thematic fragment. Inventory dictionaries are Russian-Sakha, once again confirming the leading role of the Russian terminological school. New concepts with their designations come to us through the Russian language. The defining type includes dictionaries with the head vocabulary provided with definitions (brief interpretations). The definition should be accurate, concise, but sufficient and should not contain redundant information. The definition is an excellent technique for highlighting the terminological meaning of a polysemantic word and a word with an undifferentiated meaning. With terminological dictionaries intersecting in some way, the faceted principle of dividing them was subsequently adopted. Faceted typology is convenient for sorting varieties of dictionaries by their parallel bases. Sakha terminography, comprising multi-field and mixed dictionaries, needs a faceted typology. Faceted typology involves the identification of specific lexicographic parameters serving as the basis for the classification of dictionaries.

Keywords: Yakut language, term, terminography, dictionary, definition, interpretation, vocabulary


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