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Name: The epic “Künnü körgen Kün Köök” in self-recording and audio recording

Authors: L. N. Arbachakova

Institute of Philology SB RAS Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Study of folklore

Issue 1, 2021Pages 51-64
UDK: 398.224 (=512.31)DOI: 10.17223/18137083/74/4

Abstract: The paper compares the variants of the Shor heroic epic “Künnü körgen Kün Köök” (“Kün Köök that saw the Sun”) recorded in 1999 with an interval of two months in the narrator’s self-recording (written in January 1999) and in audio recording (recorded in March 1999 by L. Arbachakova from V. E. Tannagashev (1932–2007). The version in the audio recording was performed by the Kai narrator accompanied by komus in the performer’s apartment in Myski city. V. E. Tannagashev learned this epic from his teacher P. N. Amzorov. The small period between the recordings resulted in insignificant discrepancies in the versions that were complementary and hardly influenced the qualitative content of the legend. The Kai narrator’s memory did not let him down, with the plots almost coinciding and different epic formulas used only in some fragments of typical places, or there were some permutations or omissions of lines. Sometimes the narrator uses synonymous words, or there are repetitions and reserva- tions. However, there are practically no such flaws in the self-recordings. The typical points used by the kaichi, sometimes expanded and colorful, sometimes compressed, probably de- pended on his mood, as well as on different ways of fixing the epic (in the kaichi’s self- recording and audio recordings). Live performance is influenced by the mood, health of the narrator, and other factors. Self-recordings made by hand are the most time-consuming since they require physical effort, perseverance, attention. It is perhaps for this reason that the recording turned out to be more shortened.

Keywords: Shor heroic epos, variants, self-recording, audio recording, comparison


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