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Name: Dialect versions of the all-Russian phraseological units in dialects of Local Pechora

Authors: I. S. Urmancheeva

Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University, Syktyvkar, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2020Pages 237-250
UDK: 811.161.1 + 81'282.2DOI: 10.17223/18137083/73/16

Abstract: The paper presents a comparative analysis of the phraseological units of dialects of the Local Pechora and the all-Russian phraseological units of identical semantics (with a form variation) or an identical form (with a semantics variation). The Russian dialects of Local Pechora are a speech of aboriginals of the Ust-Tsilemsky Region of the Komi Republic of the Russian Federation. A complex description covers a big group of the Pechora phraseological units corresponding to the all-Russian phraseological units that are the research objects. The art features of dialect phraseological units are considered. Also, the analysis is made of the figurative basis reflecting a picture of the world of the inhabitant of the North. The relevance and scientific novelty of work is due to the fact that it is for the first time that this phraseological material is subjected to such a complex investigation. The main source of the study was the “Phraseological dictionary of the Russian dialects of the Lower Pechora”, with additional material taken from the “Dictionary of Russian dialects of the Komi Republic” and other dialect dictionaries. All-Russian phraseological units were taken from Russian phraseological dictionaries. The paper provides a broad view of the phraseological structure of the Russian language. The research has revealed phonetic, word-formative, morphological, syntactic, lexical, structural, quantitative and semantic dialectal variants of all-Russian phraseological units, as well as the phenomena of combined (mixed) variation. The comparative analysis allowed revealing the originality of the Pechora phraseological units that have preserved many archaic phenomena due to the long, isolated existence of a dialect in the conditions of interlingual contacts.

Keywords: phraseological units, dialects of the Local (Lower) Pechora, versions of phraseological units


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