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Name: Explanatory constructions in the Altai language (in literary and academic texts)

Authors: A. A. Ozonova

Institute of Philology SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2020Pages 205-223
UDK: 811.512.151 + 81’367.51DOI: 10.17223/18137083/73/14

Abstract: We analyze the structural and semantic types of Altai polypredicative explanatory construc- tions (in literary and academic texts). Explanatory relations are expressed by two types of constructions: monofinite (with the infinite predicate in the subordinate clause) and bifinite (with the finite predicate in the main and subordinate clauses and their relation being analytically indicated by the linking unit or connector dep). The semantic-grammatical type of the predicate in the main clause defines the semantic distinctiveness of explanatory sentences and the structural models of constructions corresponding to the semantic types. The strategy choice of the subordinate sentence structure primarily depends on the semantics of the main predicate. The verbs of three lexical-semantic groups (thought, speech, and emotion) predominantly function as a predicate of the main predicate unit. These verbs have their peculiarities in semantics and usage. For example, speech verbs are actively used in bifinite polypredicative constructions and much less in monofinite constructions. Verbs of perception suggest only sensory interpretations in monofinite constructions. However, in bifinite constructions, they also contain epistemic elements. The academic text specificity is characterized by the wide use of the verbs of thought and speech, deductive evaluative predicates as main predicates in polypredicative constructions. The functionally subordinate clauses may serve as either a subject or an object. In the Altai language, the subordinate clause, as a predicate object, contains possessive and case affixes of the accusative, dative, ablative, instrumental, and locative cases. When being a predicative subject, a subordinate clause takes the form of a nominative sentence with possessive affixes denoting the grammatical meaning of the action per- former person. Bifinite constructions with verbs from various lexical-semantic groups share a subordinate subject in nominative or accusative cases, while the monofinite construction subordinate subjects have genitive or nominative cases.

Keywords: Altai language, complex sentence, polypredicative construction, explanatory construction


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