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Name: Indirect object in Manchu-Tungus languages: structural and semantic aspect (in the Orok language)

Authors: L. V. Ozolinya

Institute of Philology SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2020Pages 243-260
UDK: 81.2.2DOI: 10.17223/18137083/72/19

Abstract: For the first time, the paper provides the analysis of the Oroc language object as a syntactic unit combining the semantic and functional aspects of transitive or non-transitive verbs. In the Manchu-Tungus languages, the object is found to be expressed in the morphological forms of the case: direct – in the accusative case and the possessive forms of the designative case, indirect – in the forms of oblique cases. Constructions with indirect objects, the positions of which are filled with case forms of nouns, designate the objects on which the action is aimed, objects from which the action is sent or evaded, objects-addresses, objects-instruments, etc. Both transitive or non-transitive verbs can take the position of the predicate. The necessary (direct object) and permissible (indirect object) composition of objects in the verb is determined by its valences: bivalent verbs open subjective (subject) and objective (direct object) valences; trivalent verbs reveal subjective, subjective-objective (part of the subject or indirect subject) and objective (indirect object) valences.

Keywords: Manchu-Tungus languages, Orok, Nanai, Even, supplement, subject, direct object, indirect object, predicate, transitional verb, non-transitional verb, object valence


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