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Name: Russian spelling on the way from disorder to uniform Book review: Naumenko S. V. Variativnost’ v russkoy orfografii (18–20 vv.) [Variation in Russian orthography (18th–20th centuries)]. Krasnoyarsk, 2019, 356 p.

Authors: I. E. Kim

Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Review

Issue 1, 2020Pages 321-324
UDK: 81'35; 811.161.1DOI: 10.17223/18137083/70/26

Abstract: The reviewed monograph of S. V. Naumenko gives a detailed description of variability in Russian spelling of the 18th–20th centuries. It is not only the graphic practice that is studied but its understanding in the theoretical, normative, and methodological works of linguists. S. V. Naumenko describes the complex and contradictory path of Russian spelling and orthography to the elimination of unjustified variation. A careful analysis of the linguistic works and their content is conducted. Also, the material from explanatory and spelling dictionaries is considered, with spelling variants within a single book (intra-variants) being indicated and compared with other books in parallel (extra-variants). It can be concluded that S. V. Naumenko has succeeded in demonstrating a wide variety of spellings and the diversity of scholars’ opinions.

Keywords: history of Russian spelling, variability, spelling norm, intra-variants, extra- variants


Grigor’eva T. M. Tri veka russkoy orfografii (18–20 vv.) [Three centuries of Russian orthography (18th–20th centuries)]. Moscow, Elpis, 2004, 456 p.

Grigor’eva T. M., Naumenko S. V. Orfograficheskaya variantnost’ v “Tolkovom slovare russkogo yazyka” pod red. D. N. Ushakova [Spelling variation in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language ed. by D. N. Ushakov]. In: Russkiy yazyk segodnya: Sb. st. [Russian language today: Coll. of art.]. L. P. Krysin (Ed.). Moscow, V. V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2004, pp. 75–84.

Grigor’eva T. M., Naumenko S. V. Norma – Uzus – Kodifikatsiya v russkoy orfografii (do svoda 1956 g.) [Norm – Usage – Codification in the Russian spelling (before the set of rules of 1956)]. In: Russkiy yazyk segodnya: problemy yazykovoy normy [Russian language today: issues of linguistic norms]. Moscow, 2006, pp. 147–157.

Naumenko S. V. Variativnost’ v russkoy orfografii (18–20 vv.) [Variation in Russian spelling (18th–20th centuries)]. Krasnoyarsk, KSPU, 2019, 356 p.

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