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Name: Food intake situation as a conceptual basis for phraseme formation in Russian and English languages

Authors: O. V. Avramenko, E. A. Yurina

Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russian Federation; Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 1, 2020Pages 229-244
UDK: 81’371DOI: 10.17223/18137083/70/18

Abstract: The consideration is given to the propositional-frame structure of food intake situation as the cognitive basis of phraseme formation in Russian and English languages. Figurative words and expressions metaphorically motivated by the verbs est’, zhrat’, kusat’, gryzt’, zhevat’ and glotat’ in Russian and eat, bite, chew and swallow in English are analyzed. Their speech usage in Russian and English literary and journalistic texts is studied. Phraseological units reflecting food intake metaphors are systematized in terms of the semantics of the source image captured in the inner form of the idiom and are structured into motivational-figurative paradigms of phraseological representations of this source image. The study describes the methodology of identifying the bases of metaphorical projections underlying the phraseme formation. This methodology involves three stages: 1. Analysis of semantics, inner form, and discourse functioning of phraseological units; 2. Presentation of typical figurative representations common to certain linguistic culture; 3. Identification of metaphorical mappings basis demonstrating the abstractive propositional scheme. The analysis resulted in the description of 11 universal typical figurative representations attributed to Russian and English (British and American) linguistic cultures. The following con- ceptual grounds were revealed: a) placement or concealment of an object within a confined space; b) loss, disappearance of an object; c) filling of space; d) deformation, complete destruction of an object as a result of breakdown; e) receiving, purchasing an object to meet the need for some- thing. The food intake images presented in the semantics of phraseological units are used in two languages under analysis for characterizing interpersonal relations, the influence of negative emotions on the human psyche, speech impact, competitive situations, gaining financial and material benefits, intensive labor activity.

Keywords: phraseme formation, cognitive metaphor, gastronomic metaphor, language world- view


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