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Name: Role and place of dubia in Shukshin studies

Authors: D. V. Maryin

Altai State University, Barnaul, Russian Federation

In the section Study of literature

Issue 1, 2020Pages 170-178
UDK: 821.161.1DOI: 10.17223/18137083/70/13

Abstract: The paper presents the analysis of the dubious texts of the famous Russian writer, actor, and film director Vasiliy Shukshin. Dubia can be one of the important sources for studying the literary creativity of the writer and his biography. The arguments are provided for the existence of Shukshin’s dubial texts, examines in detail the peculiarities of their language and poetics, thematic, meaningful connection with the writer’s mature works (including journalism and epistolary), and the influence on the formation of the artistic and aesthetic position of the famous Rus- sian writer. The note “Concerto for electors,” attributed to V. M. Shukshin, published in the rural newspaper “Boyevoy klich,” reveals commonality in the language, poetics techniques, and problems with the first journalistic speeches of Shukshin, as well as with his creative works when entering the VGIK. Taking into account the small size of the text of the note concerned, these techniques should be recognized as relevant for stating a high degree of probability of Shukshin’s authorship, especially in terms of the general context of the writer’s work and the characteristic features of his idiostyle. The author concludes that the note, written under a pseudonym, was the first step towards creating full-fledged journalistic and artistic works, which were to reveal all those qualities that are presented in rudimentary form in the dubious text. To summarize, the author expects dubia (including potential dubious texts) to occupy their niche in Shukshin’s studies and their study not to lose a heuristic perspective, as they are to clarify the chronology of Shukshin’s work and biography.

Keywords: Russian literature of the 20th century, the life and work of V. M. Shukshin, dubia, epistolary, journalism


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