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Name: Heritage of the Kuzbass Communards in the context of an actual research of L. N. Tolstoy’s work

Authors: A. L. Kalashnikova, E. Yu. Poselenova

Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation

In the section Study of literature

Issue 1, 2020Pages 114-121
UDK: 801.73DOI: 10.17223/18137083/70/8

Abstract: The paper focuses on the study of the receptive field of Leo Tolstoy’s ideology in terms of forming a holistic view of the writer’s work. The analysis of Tolstoy’s aesthetics and poetics turns out, in many cases, to be unproductive without addressing the basic provisions of the doctrine system created by him. The shift from the aesthetic field to the teaching role of literature determined not only the nature of Tolstoy’s literary work in the 1880s – 1910s but also the angle of the reader’s perception of his works. This research is aimed at justifying the necessity of studying the reader’s reception of the writer’s literary works in the heritage of “Tolstoyans,” for whom the “teacher’s” compositions became not only a source of moral bases but also an inspiration for their own creative pursuits. The actual material sources include the fieldwork materials, diaries, letters, articles, and literary works by the members of the Commune living on the territory of the Kemerovo region. Analysis of these materials within the framework of a receptive aesthetics and discourse approach results in the conclusion that the Siberian Communards’ literary legacy represents a special discourse that conceptually reflects on the ideas of Tolstoyism.

Keywords: Leo Tolstoy, reception, imaginative literature, aesthetics, poetics, tolstovstvo, Tolstoy’s commune, ideology, doctrine


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