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Name: Ways of visualization in the stories about the human heart in the Russian collection “The Great Mirror” (“Velikoe Zertsalo”)

Authors: S. K. Sevastyanova

Rubtsovsk Industrial Institute (Branch) of the Altai State Technical University, Rubtsovsk, Russian Federation; Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Study of literature

Issue 1, 2020Pages 72-84
UDK: 861.161DOI: 10.17223/18137083/70/5

Abstract: The problem of the visual and the poetics of visibility are increasingly attracting researchers. Observing the phenomenon of verbal visibility and methods of speech practice that stimulate visual reception can improve the visibility of verbal “plastic” elements in ancient texts, encouraging the reader to see living paintings and images in his imagination. The paper character-izes the elements of verbal objectivity that excite the reader’s imagination and visual thinking. Three stories were selected: on the heart muscle of the Martyr with the Golden logo of the name of Christ and the myocardium of the sinner, tormented by a snake and toads. It is the first time when they are introduced into scientific circulation. The story of the warrior-Martyr is published in two versions: the manuscripts of Synodal collection No. 101 and from the collection of M. N. Tikhomirov. The second list contains the unknown translation text that differs lexically and stylistically from the text of the first official translation. The understanding of the heart as a vital organ and the focus of the spiritual essence of man is realized in the collection with the help of “external effects” and methods of presentation that cause visual reflection. These include the fixation of manipulations with the heart muscle, use of vocabulary reflecting the “visual experience,” focus on the emotions of the actors, introduction of direct speech, zoomorphic images personifying the mortal sin in the culture of the Middle Ages. The conclusion is made that “The Great Mirror” stories reflect the stable medieval culture ideas about the significance of the heart.

Keywords: “The Great Mirror”, theme of the heart, sacred marks, artistic means of visual reception, zoomorphic symbols of sin


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