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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: S. S. Butorin Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Novosibirsk, Russian Federation; Novosibirsk State Technical University Novosibirsk, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: The paper analyzes the transitivizing derivation as applied to the incorporating complexes based on the constructive verb ‘to do’ which present canonical incorporating proper. It is shown that transitivizing along with detranzitivizing forms a multi-stage derivational chain including an original non-incorporating construction, a derived intransitivized incorporating one and a derived transitivized incorporating one. Transitivizing is a transforming derivation type involving raising a syntactic status of the oblique object to a status of the direct object having a semantic role of ‘material’ which leads to extending the verb agreement model by one more agreement slot. It is concluded that raising the syntactic status of the oblique object serves as a tool of raising the communicative rank of the argument characterized by a semantic role of ‘material’, thus introducing it into the utterance focus, while the incorporated patient noun is shifted into the utterance background. Keywords: Ket language, incorporation, incorporating complexes, syntactic derivation, transitivizing, verb agreement slots Bibliography: Apresyan Yu. D. Issledovaniya po semantike i leksikografii. T. 1: Paradigmatika [Studies in semantics and lexicography. Vol. 1: Paradigmatics]. Moscow, LRC Publishing House, 2009, 586 p. Butorin S. S. Opisaniye morfologicheskoy struktury finitnoy glagol’noy slovoformy ketskogo yazyka s ispol’zovaniyem metodiki poryadkovogo chleneniya [The description of the morphological structure of the Ket finite verb form]. Abstract of Cand. philol. sci. diss. Novosibirsk, 1995, 19 p. Butorin S. S. Osnovnyye tipy sintaksicheskoy derivatsii v ketskom yazyke [Main types of syntactic derivation in the Ket language]. In: 22 Dul’zonovskiye chteniya: Materialy mezhdunar. konf. Ch. 3: Sravnitel’no-istoricheskoye i tipologicheskoye izucheniye yazykov i kul’tur. Prepodavaniye natsional’nykh yazykov [22nd Dulzonov readings: Materials of international conf. Pt. 3: Comparative historical and typological study of languages and cultures. Teaching national languages]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2000, pp. 32–38. Butorin S. S. Variativnost’ morfosintaksicheskogo kodirovaniya ob”yekta-patsiyensa v ketskom yazyke: detranzitivatsiya [Variability of morpho-syntactic coding of patient objects in Ket: detransitivizing]. Siberian Journal of Philology. 2018, no. 4, pp. 181–194. Georg S. A descriptive grammar of Ket (Yenisei-Ostyak). Global Oriental Ltd, 2007, pt. 1: Introduction, Phonology, Morphology. 328 p. Kreynovich E. A. Glagol ketskogo yazyka [The verb in the Ket language]. Leningrad, Nauka, 1968, 283 p. Mel’chuk I. A. Kurs obshchey morfologii [The course of general morphology]. Moscow, Vienna, LRC Publishing House, Vienna Slavonic Almanac, 1998, vol. 2, 544 p. Reshetnikov K. Yu., Starostin G. S. Struktura ketskoy glagol’noy slovoformy [The Ket verb form structure]. In: Ketskiy sbornik. Lingvistika [Studia Ketica. Linguistics]. Moscow, LRC Publishing House , Vost. lit., 1995, pp. 7–121. Kholodovich A. A. Zalog: Opredeleniye. Ischisleniye [Voice: Definition. Calculus]. In: Kholodovich A. A. Problemy grammaticheskoy teorii [The problems of grammatical theory] Leningrad, Nauka, 1979, pp. 277–292. Khrakovskiy V. S. Diateza i referentnost’ (k voprosu o sootnoshenii aktivnykh, passivnykh, refleksivnykh i retsiproknykh konstruktsiy) [Diathesis and reference (Toward an issue of correlation of active, passive, reflexive and reciprocal constructions)]. In: Zalogovyye konstruktsii v raznostrukturnykh yazykakh [The voice constructions in structurally differing languages]. Leningrad, 1981, pp. 5–38. Mithun M. The evolution of noun incorporation. Language, 1984, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 847–894. Mithun M. On the nature of noun incorporation. Language, 1986, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 32–37. Mithun M. Incorporation. In: Morphologie: ein internationales Handbuch zur Flexion und Wortbildung. Hrsg. von G. Booij, Ch. Lehmann, J. Mugdan, unter Mitarb. von W. Kesselheim, S. Skopeteas. Hbd 1. Berlin, New York, Walter De Gruyter, 2000, pp. 916–928. Vajda E. Ket verb structure in typological perspective. Sprachtypology und Universalien Forschungen. Language typology and universals (Studia Yeniseica). 2003, vol. 56, iss. 1/2, pp. 55–92. Vajda E. Ket. In: Languages of the world. Materials. 204. Lincom Europa, 2004, 99 p. Vajda E. Ket polysynthesis. In: The Oxford Handbook of Polysynthesis. Michael Fortescue, Marianne Mithun, and Nicholas Evans (Eds). Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2017, pp. 906– 929. Werner H. Zur Typologie der Jenissej-Sprachen. Wiesbaden, Harrasowitz Verlag, 1995, 214 p. |
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