Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: Prejuridical and juridical meanings of a lexeme “grazhdanin” (a citizen) in social-political discourse Authors: A. V. Irkova Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: This paper discusses the process of juridization of the term “grazhdanin” (a citizen) in the social- political discourse. At present, the lexeme “grazhdanin” and many others containing the root -grazhd- have acquired juridical meanings and are used in legal texts. However, these lexemes were not considered as legal terms at first. The paper deals with the typology of the prejuridical content of the word “grazhdanin.” This typology is based on a varying degree of similarity of the public word semantics to the legal term status as a top point of the process of juridization. It is supposed to identify the pattern of pre-juridical use of the lexeme concerned and its synchronous results. The prejuridical status of a public word allows qualifying its meaning as semiterminological value. The variety of semantic registers of the public terms, fixed at this stage, does not disappear, leaving behind a trail of pre-juridic semantics and stylistic origin in the legal texts. “Spontaneous” units of natural language are revealed through a set of synonyms in socialpolitical discourse: “chelovek” (a human), a “grazhdanin” (a citizen), “lichnost’” (a personality), and “litso” (a person). The diachronic discourse-semantic analysis of the interaction between prejuridical and juridical meanings of the word “grazhdanin,” gradually incorporated into legal texts, allows revealing a discourse-semantic pattern of a public term being incorporated into legal communication. Keywords: legal linguistics, everyday language, juridization, terminologisation, law discourse, citizen Bibliography: Belousova K. 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