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Name: Linguistics of the 21st century on the path to the integrated theory of metaphor

Authors: I. V. Novitskaya

Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2019Pages 143-157
UDK: 81DOI: 10.17223/18137083/68/13

Abstract: The philosophical, linguistic, and psychological debate about the phenomenon of metaphor has been going on for a long time. This debate encompasses many issues concerning various aspects of metaphor and its applications. This paper draws on dozens of European and American metaphor studies and presents the results of their analytical overview. This analysis enables one to summarize a range of topical issues addressed and examined in multiple research programs all over the world. One of the challenging research issues is the development of a comprehensive theory of metaphor that will integrate cognitive, communicative, pragmatic and linguistic approaches to the interpretation and study of this phenomenon. To date, the most ground-breaking and influential theoretical model of metaphor has been the conceptual metaphor theory of J. Lakoff and M. Johnson for it simulated the evolution of a cognitive-linguistic approach to the figurative vocabulary analysis. So far, several hypotheses about the cognitive reality of metaphoric thought and language have been proposed. However, none of them has turned out to be a single theory capable of accounting for a complex nature and all peculiarities of functioning of metaphor. On these grounds, a multi-dimensional and multi-disciplinary framework for studying metaphor has been proposed, including the analysis of metaphor in language, thought, and communication. Including the latter parameter in the research focus has triggered the development of hybrid or integrated theoretical models of metaphor (e.g., hybrid theories by M. Tendahl and H. Stöver). These theories are grounded in a combination of conceptual metaphor theory with pragmatically based theories, which is expected to offer new perspectives on the interpretation of the interaction of linguistic, cognitive, and communicative characteristics of metaphor in discourse.

Keywords: theory of metaphor, hybrid theory of metaphor, conceptual metaphor theory, relevance theory, European linguistics, American linguistics


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