Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: Something German and French in a ballad “Dream” by Osip Mandelstam (“Na vysokom perevale…” (On a high pass...)) Authors: E. Yu. Kulikova Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation In the section Study of literature
Abstract: The paper deals with the ballad implication of O. Mandelstam’s poem “Na vysokom perevale…” (On a high pass...), referring to J. W. Goethe’s classic German ballads (taking into account the subsequent Russian tradition of the 19th century – V. A. Zhukovsky, A. S. Pushkin and others), as well as to F. Villon and Ch. Baudelaire’s French genre experiments. The ballad sleep motif stretches across the entire text of “Faetonshchik” (Phaeton driver). As in Zhukovsky’s ballads, Mandelstam depicts a journey to another world with a dead guide. The plot of the poem is based on Goethe-Zhukovsky’s “Lesnoy tsar’” (Forest king). Heroes are at the mercy of a terrible creature leading them to the scary world. The lines of “Faetonshchik” (Phaeton driver) also create the image of another ballad journey – the road to the “plague” France of the 15th century, where the poet’s “favorite” Francois Villon lived and worked. Mandelshtam’s poem implicitly echoes “The ballad of the hanged men” by Villon and Charlot Baudelaire’s “The trip to the Kiefer.” The plot of Mandelshtam’s poem reveals the features of the German ballad plot through the analogy with Villon’s correct French ballad: not only fearlessness and confidence but also the hero’s inner fear of the darkness of the grave and emptiness is uncovered in a mystical journey to another world. Also, “Faetonshchik” (Phaeton driver) is a variation on a theme given by N. Gumilev in “Zabludivshiysya tramvay” (The lost tram), a poem which was called a ballad by Louis Allen. Keywords: genre, ballad, tradition, lyrical plot, “Faetonshchik” (Phaeton driver), O. Mandelstam Bibliography: Baudelaire Ch. Les fleurs du mal. Paris, Calmann-Levy Ltd., 1899, 411 p. Baudelaire Ch. Stikhotvoreniya [Poems]. Khar’kov, Folio, 2001, 494 р. Bogatyreva S. Puteshestviye v stikhakh na fone puteshestviya v deystvitel’nosti: “Faetonshchik” O. Mandel’shtama v real’nom, intertekstual’nom i sotsial’nom kontekste [Travel in verse against the background of travel in reality: “The Faetonist” by O. Mandelstam in a real, intertextual and social context]. In: Sokhrani moyu rech’ [Save my speech]. 2000, iss. 3, pt. 1, pp. 119–137. Goethe J. W. von. Erlkönig. Lesnoy tsar’ [Erl-king]. Transl. by V. Zhukovsky. With the art. by M. Tsvetayeva “Dva ‘Lesnykh tsarya’” [Two Erl-kings]. Moscow, Augsburg, Im Werden Verl., 2003, 8 p. Gumilev N. S. Stikhotvoreniya i poemy [Poems]. Leningrad, Sov. pisatel’, 1988, 632 р. Esenin S. A. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy: V 7 t. [Complete works: in 7 vols]. Moscow, Nauka-Golos, 1995, vol. 1: Stikhotvoreniya [Poems], 672 р.Kirshbaum G. “Valgally beloye vino”. Nemetskaya tema v poezii O. Mandel’shtama [“White wine of Valhalla”. German theme in the poetry of O. Mandelstam]. Moscow, New Literary Observer, 2010, 392 р. Kikhney L. G. Osip Mandel’shtam: bytiye slova [Osip Mandelstam: word being]. Moscow, Dialog-MSU, 2000, 146 р. Mandel’shtam N. Ya. Kniga tret’ya: Vospominaniya [The third book: Memories]. Paris, YMCA-Press, 1987, 335 р. Mandel’shtam O. E. Polnoye sobraniye sochineniy i pisem: V 3 t. [Complete collection of works and letters: in 3 vols]. Moscow, Progress-Pleyada, 2009, vol. 1: Stikhotvoreniya [Poems], 808 р.; 201, vol. 2: Proza [Prose], 760 р. Mandel’shtam O. E. Sochineniya: V 2 t. [Works: in 2 vols]. Moscow, Khudozh. lit., 1990, vol. 1: Stikhotvoreniya [Poems], 638 р. Oganis’yan M. Pushkinskiye reministsentsii v stikhotvorenii O. Mandel’shtama “Faetonshchik” [Pushkin’s reminiscences in O. Mandelstam’s poem “The Faetonist”]. Zhurnalist: Ucheb. gazeta f-ta zhurnalistiki MSU. 1982, September 20, рр. 20–21. Pushkin A. S. Polnoe sobranie sochineniy: V 17 t. [Complete works: in 17 vols]. Moscow, Voskresen’e, 1995, vol. 3, bk. 1. Stikhotvoreniya 1825–1836. Skazki [Poems 182–1836. Tales], 635 р. Rubin I. Oglyanis’ v slezakh [Look around in tears]. Ierusalim, 1977, 300 р. Sheffer Zh.-M. Chto takoe literaturnyy zhanr [What is the literary genre]. Moscow, Editorial URSS, 2010, 192 р. Surat I. Z. Yabloko prostoe [A simple apple]. Literatura. 2009, no. 16, August 16–31, рр. 21–25. Viyon F. Stikhi: Sbornik [Poems: Collection]. Moscow, Raduga, 2002, 768 р. |
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