Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: F. M. Dostoevsky about Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels Authors: E. G. Novikova Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russian Federation In the section Study of literature
Abstract: It is the first time when the works of F. M. Dostoevsky related to Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels are analyzed systematically. The paper reveals that the book “The condition of the working class in England” by Friedrich Engels is interpreted within the economic context while the considerations on Karl Marx are interwoven with geopolitical thoughts of Dostoevsky on the historical destiny of Christianity and the Russian Empire. The ideas of Marx and Engels became of particular interest to Dostoevsky in the 1960s. In the March issue of the journal of Dostoevsky brothers “Vremia” (“Time”) 1961, there was an anonymous review of the book “Political economy of the present and future” by German economist Bruno Hildebrand. The book was translated into Russian by M. P. Shchepkin and published in 1860. It is a detailed overview of Germanic economic thought, with special attention to the book “The condition of the working class in England” by Engels. Hildebrand and anonymous reviewer of the journal “Vremia” (“Time”) sharply criticized this work of Engels. In the column “Foreign events” published in “Grazhdanin” (“The Citizen”), Dostoevsky interpreted modern European political events as an opposition between Christianity and “Karl Marx and Bakunin” pointing that the latter would succumb. Marx and Bakunin are entwined into Dostoevsky’s thoughts on Russia as an Empire and Peter I as its founder, on the fate of Orthodox as an “Eastern Christianity.” Dostoevsky states that faith in Christ is “our Russian socialism.” Keywords: F. M. Dostoevsky, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, M. A. Bakunin, “Vremia” (“Time”), “Grazhdanin” (“The Citizen”) Bibliography: Bakunin M. A. Rech’ na Kongresse Ligi mira i svobody v 1867 g. [Speech at the congress of the league of peace and freedom in 1867]. In: Bakunin M. Izbr. soch.: V 5 t. [Selected works: In 5 vols]. Petersburg, Moscow, 1920, vol. 3, pp. 99–104. Belov S. V. Entsiklopedicheskiy slovar’ “F. M. Dostoyevskiy i ego okruzheniye”: V 2 t. [Encyclopedical disctionary “F. M. Dostoevsky and his surrounding”: in 2 vols]. St. Petersburg, Aleteiya, 2001, vol. 2, 544 p. Dostoyevskiy F. M. Poln. sobr. soch.: V 30 t. [Complete works: In 30 vols]. Leningrad, Nauka, 1980, vol. 21, 551 p.; 1984, vol. 26, 518 p.; 1984, vol. 27, 463 p.; 1985, vol. 281, 551 p.; 1985, vol. 282, 552 p. Engels F. Die Lage der arbeitenden Klasse in England. Leipzig, Verlag Otto Wigand, 1845, 358 p. Guido C. Dostoyevskiy-ekonomist. Ocherki po sotsiologii literatury [Dostoevsky – economist. An outline of literature sociology]. Moscow, 2012, 224 p. Hildebrand B. Die Nationalökonomie der Gegenwart und Zukunft. Frankfurt am Main, 1848, 329 p. Marx K. Razoblacheniya diplomaticheskoi istorii 18 v. [Revelations of the diplomatic history of the 18th century]. Voprosy istorii. 1989, no. 4, pp. 3–48. Novikova E. G. Ekonomicheskaya problematika publitsistiki Dostoyevskogo [Economic theme in Dostoevsky’s publicist works]. In: V. N. Zakharov, K. A. Stepanyan, B. N. Tikhomirov (Eds). Dostoevskii i zhurnalizm [Dostoevsky and journalism]. St. Petersburg, Dmitrii Bulanin, 2013, pp. 58–75. (Dostoevsky Monographs; iss. 4). Politicheskaya ekonomiya nastoyashchego i budushchego; soch. Bruno Gil’debranda. Perevod M. P. Shchepkina [Political economy of the present and future; work of Bruno Gil’debrand. Transl. by M. P. Shchepkin]. St. Petersburg, 1860 g. (280 str. in 8). Vremya, no. 3, March, pp. 73–96. Rossiyskaya imperiya v zarubezhnoy istoriografii. Raboty poslednikh let: Antologiya [The Russian Empire in foreign historiography. The recent works. Anthology]. P. Vert, P. S. Kabytov, A. I. Miller (Comps). Moscow, Novoe izd., 2005, 696 p. (Novye granitsy [New borders]) Silant’yev I. V., Sozina E. K. Narrativ v literature i istorii. Na materiale dnevnikovoy prozy A. Gertsena 1840-kh gg. [Narrative in literature and history. Based on prose diary by A. Herzen in the 1840s]. Siberian Journal of Philology. 2013, no. 3, pp. 58–68. Zakharov V. N. Idei “Vremeni”, dela “Epokhi” [Ideas of “Time”, affairs of “Epoch”]. In: Dostoyevskiy F. M. Pol. sobr. soch. Kanonicheskiye teksty [Dostoevsky F. M. Complete works. Canonical texts]. V. N. Zakharov (Ed.). Petrozavodsk, PetrSU Publ., vol. 5, pp. 695–712. |
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