Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: People of fire: To the symbolism of the Gypsy myth in Russian and European literature of the 19th century Authors: V. V. Maroshi Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation In the section Study of literature
Abstract: The paper puts forward the problem of “Gypsy myth” in Russian and foreign literary criticism. The focus is on the symbolism of fire, expressing passion and aesthetic experience, especially ecstasy and inspiration. In literary works, this symbolism is manifested through the set of fire metaphors, the lighting of Gypsy campfire, smoking, burning coal, in some details of the Gypsy woman portrait such as “fiery eyes.” In Russian literature, the first fire symbols became relevant at the beginning of the 19th century as an attempt to show the expression of Gypsy dances and singing. It was associated with Bacchus cult, influenced by two factors: the interest of Russian poets in the mythology of Bacchus during that period and the popularity of the Gypsy choirs in the noble class. By the early 1840s, the type of Gypsy woman character as passionate mistress with fiery eyes and heartbreaking manner of singing became a verbal pattern to follow. Her love was free, but fatal. By the beginning of the second half of the 19th century this motif complex was embodied in Russian realistic prose in two stories of I. Turgenev and N. Leskov’s tale “Enchanted wanderer.” They used the same romantic stereotypes. Burning Gypsy campfire in the darkness or light of a big fire and its symbolic effects were significant for the German, British, and French literature. In French poetry, Baudelaire and Gautier were attracted by fiery eyes of Gypsy woman. The image was complemented by the “smoking effect” of Gypsy woman in “Carmen” by Mérimée. Keywords: Gypsies, Russian literature, European literature, indigenous peoples, myth, symbolism, fire, passion Bibliography: Apukhtin A. N. Poln. sobr. stikhotvoreniy [Complete poems]. Leningrad, Sov. pisatel’, 1991, 448 p. Baldensperger F. L’entrée pathétique des tziganes dans les lettres occidentales. Revue de littérature compare. 1938, vol. 18, рp. 587–603. Baudelaire Ch. Les fleurs du mal. Boston, David R. Godine Publ., 1982, 365 p. 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