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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: V. V. Mindibekova Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences In the section Study of folklore
Abstract: The paper presents a textual analysis of samples of non-fairytale prose of the Khakas people on Sagai, Kachin, Kyzyl and Shor dialects of the Khakas language, recorded by the researchers V. V. Radlov (1866–1907), N. F. Katanov (1878–1892), researchers of the Khakas Research Institute of Language, Literature and History D. I. Chankov (1949), A.G. Kyzlasova (1948, 1976), V. E. Mainagasheva (1968, 1975, 2005), L. K. Achitaeva (1998), S. K. Kulumaeva (2001). The analysis was done of archival and published texts, as well as transcribed recordings based on the materials of folklore expeditions. The main part of the texts were archival materials of the Manuscript Fund of the Khakas Research Institute of Language, Literature and History. The texts deciphered from audio recordings were studied, with their originals being stored in the Archive of traditional music of the M. I. Glinka Novosibirsk state Conservatory. Scholarly comments to the texts include their versions recorded in different years. In the course of the research, the genre, textual, and linguistic features of the samples of non-fairy prose were identified. The textual analysis revealed the characteristic features of the dialect of the Khakas speech, reflected in the records of non-fairytale prose. Keywords: Khakas folklore, Khakas, non-fairytale prose, historical tales, textology, dialects Bibliography: Borgoyakov M. I. Voprosy etnogeneza khakasov 17–18 vv. i istoricheskiye predaniya [Issues of ethnogenesis of the Khakas people in the 17th–18th centuries and historical legends]. Scientific notes of KhRILLH. Abakan, 1974, no. 5, iss. 19, pp. 120–131. Butanaev V. Ya. Khakassko-russkiy istoriko-etnograficheskiy slovar’ [Khakas-Russian historical and ethnographical dictionary]. Abakan, KhSU Publ., 1999, 238 p. Butanaev V. Ya., Butanaeva I. I. Istoricheskiy fol’klor khakasov [Historical folklore of Khakass people]. Abakan, KhSU Publ., 2001, 148 p. Butanaev V. Ya., Butanaeva I. I. Mir khongorskogo (khakasskogo) fol’klora [World of Khongor (Khakas) folklore]. Abakan, KhSU Publ., 2008, 376 p. Grammatika khakasskogo yazyka [Grammar of the Khakas language]. N. A. Baskakov (Ed.). Moscow, 1975, 418 p. Neskazochnaya proza khakasov [Non-fairytale prose of Khakas people]. L. K. Achitaeva, S. K. Kulumaeva, V. V. Mindibekova, G. B. Sychenko (Comps). Novosibirsk, Nauka, 2016, 540 p. (Monuments of Folklore of the Peoples of Siberia and the Far East; Vol. 34) Obraztsy narodnoy literatury tyurkskikh plemen, izdannye V. Radlovym [Samples of folk literature of Turkic tribes, published by V. Radlov]. St. Petersburg, AN SSSR Publ., 1907a. Vol. 9: Narechiya uryankhaytsev (soyotov), abakanskikh tatar i karagasov. Teksty, sobrannyye i perevedennyye N. F. Katanovym: Teksty [Dialects of Uryankhaians (Soyots), Abakan Tatars and Karagasses. Texts collected and translated by N. F. Katanov: Texts]. 668 p. Obraztsy narodnoy literatury tyurkskikh plemen, izdannye V. Radlovym [Samples of folk literature of Turkic tribes, published by V. Radlov]. St. Petersburg, AN SSSR Publ., 1907b. Vol. 9: Narechiya uryankhaytsev (soyotov), abakanskikh tatar i karagasov. Teksty, sobrannyye i perevedennyye N. F. Katanovym: Perevody [Dialects of Uryankhaians (Soyots), Abakan Tatars and Karagasses. Texts collected and translated by N. F. Katanov: Translations]. 659 p. Patachakov K. M. Rodovoy sostav i narodnyye predaniya o proiskhozhdenii bel’tyrov [Clan composition and folk legends about the origin of Beltyrs]. Scientific notes of KhRILLH. Abakan, 1959, iss. 7, pp. 127–134. Printsipy i poryadok podgotovki tomov serii “Pamyatniki fol’klora narodov Sibiri i Dal’nego Vostoka” [Principles and order of preparation of volumes of the “Monuments of Folklore of the Peoples of Siberia and the Far East” series]. 2nd ed. Novosibirsk, 2003. |
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Institute of Philology Nikolaeva st., 8, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation +7-383-330-15-18, ifl@philology.nsc.ru |
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