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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: Evgeny V. Evpak Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: The paper studies the Russian language in the written speech of Russian emigrants of the first wave of emigration and their descendants in the Slavic countries (Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic, and Slovakia). The primary goal is to study the language of the Russian Diaspora of the Czechoslovak (Czech and Slovak) period of emigration by portraying the Russian emigrant individuals of the first generation and their descendants, mainly as exemplified in their private correspondence. Also, the work is to show the importance of involving the natural written speech for modeling speech portraits of Russian emigrants. Particular attention is drawn to the written speech of the first wave of emigrants of different generations (parents – children). Natural written speech of the first wave emigrants of Russian emigration shows the functioning of the Russian language outside its natural conditions for the century. It is noted that the representatives of the Russian Diaspora of the first wave of emigration and their descendants living in Czechoslovakia (the Czech Republic and Slovakia) over the course of the emigrant period (lifetime), sought to preserve the Russian language, national traditions, faith. Some of the emigrants are multilingual, including the languages acquired in the exile, with the dominance of the Russian language. Speech practices and preferences are determined by many factors: family upbringing and personal environment, the language in which the education was received in exile, profession, personal characteristics of the individual emigrant. They are also determined by the language policy of the country of emigration, linguistic situation, etc. Keywords: Russian language, the Russian diaspora, emigration, linguistic personality, Czech, Slovak, personoprostranstvo Bibliography: Belunova N. I. Druzheskiye pis’ma tvorcheskoy intelligentsii kontsa XIX – nachala XX v. 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