Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: Features of the avant-garde occasionalism translation (a case study of “Futurist Cookbook” by F. T. Marinetti) Authors: Olga V. Sokolova Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: The paper analyzes the underlying problems of translation theory, in particular, the equivalence of linguistic signs and texts as well as the possibility of overcoming them when translating the avant-garde texts. The theoretical and methodological apparatus of the theory of transfer, U. Eco’s interpretation conception and “intentio operis” idea are used to solve the problem of occasionalism translation in the avant-garde texts. The paper reveals the basic pragmatic intentions characteristic of avant-garde individual authors. Moreover, the directions that include “universalization” as a way of creating a new language by means of multilingual synthesis (texts by V. Khlebnikov, J. Joyce and U. Jolas) and “nationalization” as a strategy of substituting borrowings by occasional forms, with Italian as the only source language (the texts of the Italian futurists of the 1920s−1930s) are identified. For the analysis, the Russian translation of the book of F. T. Marinetti and Fillia “Futurist Cookbook” (1932) was chosen which manifests radical linguistic and gastronomic reforms and expresses the pragmatic “nationalization” intention. The paper formulates the basic pragmatic intentions of the avant-garde text, determining the choice of translation strategy, such as the intentions to refuse borrowings and to create new words using the Italian as the only source language. Also, the primary transfer mechanisms are revealed that allow realizing the intention of the work, such as creating new word-formative models, modifying and widening the existing word-formative models of creating occasionalism, expanding the potential of the host language. Keywords: translation theory, equivalence, transfer theory, avant-garde text, pragmatic intention, «nationalization», occasionalisms Bibliography: Baker M. In other words. A coursebook on translation. London, Routledge, 1992. Berghaus G. 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