Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: Model types and their explanatory possibilities: the case of modeling the vocal systems of some Turkic languages of Siberia Authors: Olga I. Valentinova, Michail A. Rybakov, Alexandr N. Shirobokov Peoples Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: The paper considers modeling of language subsystems as a unique method of scientific knowledge, appearing due to the high-level development of science. Modeling is substituting a particular component of the original object of scientific activity by its appropriate substitute, a model. Particular attention is given to the logical models of vocalism that can be used instead of common structural methods. These models can take into account not only the structure but also the substance and the function of phonological language elements, making them systemic models. Based on the conceptual idea of G. P. Melnikov, the founder of modern system linguistics, dealing with the modeling of Turkic vocalism, the researchers develop geometric models of Altaic, Khakass, Yakut and Tuva vocalisms. The geometric forms and structures of these models, reflecting the composition of the phonological system elements and the relations between them, allow one to correlate them with the general model of Turkic vocalism, the phonological system organization typical for the language family. Also, it becomes possible to compare and to identify the typological differences within the family of languages and thereby to deepen the understanding of the specific structure of a particular vowel system. In linguistics, modeling can be used to solve both theoretical and applied problems. Modeling is of particular importance in the typological description and comparison of languages. Keywords: system linguistics, system method, vocal models, Turkic languages Bibliography: Brillouin L. Nauka i teoriya informatsii [Science and information theory]. Moscow, 1960, 392 p. Brillouin L. Nauchnaya neopredelennost’ i informatsiya [Scientific uncertainty and information]. Moscow, 1966, 272 p. Cherkasskiy M. A. 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Institute of Philology Nikolaeva st., 8, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation +7-383-330-15-18, ifl@philology.nsc.ru |
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