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Name: Homo legens in the novel “Under the Yoke” by Ivan Vazov: a Bulgarian student who arrived from Russia, identified with Bazarov, Raskolnikov, and Werter

Authors: Dechka Chavdarova

University «Bishop Konstantin Preslavski”, Szumen, Bulgaria

In the section Study of literature

Issue 2, 2019Pages 87-97
UDK: 821.162DOI: 10.17223/18137083/67/9

Abstract: The paper considers the image of homo legens in the novel “Under the Yoke” by Bulgarian literary classic Ivan Vazov. The consideration of quoting the ideas of Russian nihilists by the character Kandov (a student who arrived from Russia), and the self-identification of that character with Raskolnikov and Werter, reveals the author’s viewpoint of the alien nature of nihilist and socialist ideas, as well as certain literary patterns, to Bulgarian society and Bulgarian mentality. Vazov’s interpretation leads to the conclusion that his ideas are in consonance with the European ideas regarding Library as labyrinth and reading as chaos and confusion of thought.

Keywords: I. Vazov, Bulgarian literature, homo legens, identification, reading, Bazarov, Raskolnikov, Werter


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