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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: Elena L. Suzryukova Novosibirsk Orthodox Theological Seminary, Ob, Russian Federation In the section Study of literature
Abstract: The paper studies the influence of “The Lamentation of Joseph”, the folklore poem of an ecclesiastic genre, on the plot and the semantics of short stories “The Grief” by Anton Chekhov and “The Anxiety” by Vassily Nikiforov-Volgin. In Chekhov’s short story, the first line of the Lamentation is cited in the epigraph, thus setting the emotional tonality and the overall theme of the story. Also, this line reveals several biblical images and motifs: Joseph and Jonah, father and son. In response to the lamentation of Joseph-the-son, the main poem presents the answer to it and the wailing of Jonah-the-father. This dialogue, verbal and nonverbal, between the son and the father turns out to be real, albeit at a metaphorical level. In the short story by Nikiforov-Volgin, the poems from “The Lamentation of Joseph (Yosef)” are presented as a favorite song of Avvakum, an Old Believer killed by his son. Father Sergiy, an Orthodox priest, remembers the diseased and recites pieces from the ecclesiastic poem. Also, the paper reveals the semantic parallels between the stories of the two authors. “The Grief” shows the personal fathers sorrow for his son while “The Anxiety” presents the mourning over lost Russia as an immense tragedy that can destroy the whole world. The short stories of the 19–20th centuries can be regarded within the framework of cause-andeffect links: breaking with the past, the ability to kill a loved one, the hopelessness and the premonition of a catastrophe to come are the logical result of spiritual segregation, loneliness among others and indifference to others. Keywords: “Lamentation of Joseph”, A. Chekhov, V. Nikiforov-Volgin, biblical images, ecclesiastic poem Bibliography: Chekhov A. P. Polnoye sobraniye sochineniy: V 30 t. Sochineniya: V 18 t. [Complete works: in 30 vols. Writings: in 18 vols]. Moscow, Nauka, 1976, vol. 4. Chekhov A. P. Sobraniye sochineniy: V 12 t. [Collected works: in 12 vols]. Moscow, Pravda, 1985, vol. 4. Isakov S. Zabytyy pisatel’ [The forgotten writer]. In: V. A. Nikiforov-Volgin. Dorozhnyy posokh [Walking staff]. Moscow, Sov. Rossiya, 1992, pp. 330–339. Losskiy N. O. Usloviya absolyutnogo dobra [The conditions of the absolute good]. Moscow, Politizdat, 1991, 368 p. Mel’nikova A. K., Skubko. N. K. Osobennosti vozniknoveniya i bytovaniya zhanra dukhovnogo stikha [Features of the origin and existence of the genre of spiritual verse]. In: Tserkov’ i iskusstvo: Materialy X Mezhdunar. nauch.-obrazovatel’nykh Znamenskikh chteniy [Church and Art: Materials of the 10th Intern. sci. educational Znamensky readings]. Kursk, KSU Publ., 2014, pp. 30–36. Nikiforov-Volgin V. A. Klyuchi zavetnyye ot radosti [Cherished keys to gladness]. Moscow, Dar”, 2013, 432 p. Pravoslavnaya entsiklopediya. Pod red. Patr. Mosk. i Vseya Rusi Aleksiya II [Orthodox Encyclopedia. Ed. by Patriarch of Moscow and all Rus’ Alexy II]. T. 16: Dor – Evangelicheskaya tserkov’ soyuza [Vol. 16: Dor – Evangelical Church of the Union]. Moscow, Tserk.-nauch. tsentr “Pravoslavnaya entsiklopediya”, 2007, 752 p.; T. 25: Ioanna deyaniya – Iosif [Vol. 25: John’s acts – Joseph]. Moscow, Tserk.-nauchn. tsentr “Pravoslavnaya entsiklopediya”, 2010, 752 p. Selivanov F. M. Narodno-khristianskaya poeziya [Folk-Christian poetry]. In: Stikhi dukhovnye [Ecclesiastic poems]. Moscow, Sov. Rossiya, 1991, 336 p. Stepanov A. D. Problemy kommunikatsii u Chekhova [The problems of communication in Chekhov]. Moscow, LRC Publ. House, 2005, 400 p. Stikhi dukhovnyye [Ecclesiastic poem]. F. M. Selivanov (Comp.). Moscow, Sov. Rossiya, 1991, 336 p. Stolyarova E. N. Dukhovnyye stikhi – poeticheskoye otrazheniye narodnoy very [Ecclesiastic poems – poetic reflection of people’s faith]. In: Novaya nauka: Teoreticheskiy i prakticheskiy vzglyad [New science: Theoretical and practical view]. Ufa, 2016, no. 8, pp. 138–145. Tikhomirov S. V. Priroda v soznanii geroyev A. P. Chekhova [Nature in the Consciousness of the Heroes of A. P. Chekhov]. Moscow State University Bulletin. Series 9. Philology. 1986, no. 4–6, pp. 17–22. Toporkov A. L. Dukhovnyye stikhi v russkoy literature pervoy treti XIX veka [Ecclesiastic poem in Russian literature of first third of 20th century]. Russkaya literatura. 2015, no. 1, pp. 5–29. Tyupa V. I. Khudozhestvennost’ chekhovskogo rasskaza [Artistry of Chekhov’s short story]. Moscow, Vyssh. shk., 1989, 135 p. |
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