Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: Reflection of archetypical models in “loci communes” of heroic epics of the peoples of Siberia Authors: Evgenia N. Kuzmina Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation In the section Study of folklore
Abstract: The paper attempts to study the reflection of archetypal models in heroic epos of the peoples of Siberia, which until recently have preserved this unique folklore genre. Due to its sacredness, the epic tradition was sustainable and stable over time. In fact, these are stereotypes that include formula expressions and poetic set phrases. These stylistic means constituted the poetic fund of the narrators of epics, used in the process of narration. In order not to lose the thread of the narrative, performed in front of the listeners, the narrators would use ready-made stereotypes. This fact is described in detail in the formula theory elaborated by Milman Parry and Albert B. Lord, which is fundamental and significant for epic scholars. While being developed and polished in the epic-performing practice, stereotypes became the basis for plotting the tales. Since a stable compositional structure of epic texts and a certain chain of episodes with a known set of motifs was developed, stereotypes became those “building blocks” that were used from legend to legend. In their content, typical phrases reflect the views of their creators, features of many epochs that affect descriptions of the birth of warriors, etiquette, feasts, heroic battles and many other stereotypes of the epic. Keywords: heroic epics of the peoples of Siberia, the stability of the epic tradition, the stereotypes of the epos, archetypical models and representations Bibliography: Azbelev S. N. Istorizm bylin i specifika folklora [Historicism of bylinas and the specificity of folklore]. Leningrad, Nauka. Leningr. otd., 1982, 327 p. Berdyayev N. A. Dukh i real’nost’ [Spirit and reality]. Moscow, AST, Khar’kov, Folio, 2003, 679 p. Folklor dolgan [Folklore of Dolgans]. P. E. Efremov (Comp.). Novosibirsk, Inst. of Archeology and Ethnography of the SB RAS Publ., 2000, 448 p. (Monuments of Folklore of the Peoples of Siberia and the Far East; Vol. 19). Isakova N. V. Kul’tura i chelovek v etnicheskom prostranstve: etnokul’turologicheskiy podkhod k issledovaniyu sotsial’nykh protsessov [Culture and human in the ethnic space. The ethno-culturological approach to the study of social processes]. Novosibirsk, MOU GTSRO Publ., 2001. Iz lektsiy A. N. Veselovskogo po istorii eposa (Publikatsiya V. M. Gatsaka) [From the lectures of A. N. Veselovsky on the history of epos (Publication of V. M. Gatsak)]. In: Tipologiya narodnogo eposa [Typology of folk epos]. Moscow, Nauka, 1975, pp. 287–319. Kim I. E. Lichnaya sfera cheloveka: struktura i yazykovoye voploshcheniye [Personal sphere of a human: the structure and language embodiment]. Krasnoyarsk, SFU Publ., 2009, 325 p. Kuz’mina E. N. Ukazatel’ tipicheskikh mest geroicheskogo eposa narodov Sibiri (altaytsev, buryat, tuvintsev, khakasov, shortsev, yakutov): Eksperimental’noye izd. [Index of common places of heroic epos of the peoples of Siberia: Altaians, Buryats, Tuvans, Khakasses, Shors, Yakuts. Experimental edition]. Novosibirsk, SB RAS Publ., 2005, 1383 p. Lévy-Bruhl L. Sverkh”yestestvennoye v pervobytnom myshlenii [The supernatural in the primitive mind]. Moscow, Pedagogika-Press, 1994, 608 p. (Psikhologiya: Klassicheskiye Trudy [Psychology: Classical works]). Lord Albert Bates. Skazitel’ [The singer of tales]. Yu. A. Kleyner, G. A. Levinton (Prep. of ed., transl. from English, comm.) 2nd ed., rev. and enl. St. Petersburg, Eurropean Univ. in St. Petersburg Publ., 2018, 552 p. Lotman Yu. M. Vnutri myslyashih mirov. Chelovek – tekst – semiosfera – istoriya [Inside the cogitating univerces. Human – semiosphere – history]. Moscow, LRC Publ. House, 1996, 464 p. Pen’kovskiy A. B. Ocherki po russkoy semantikesemantike [Essays on Russian semantics]. Moscow, LRC Publ. House, 2004, 464 p. Stepanov Yu. S. Konstanty. Slovar russkoj kultury. Opyt issledovaniya [Constants. Dictionnary of Russian culture. First effort of research]. Moscow, LRC Publ. House, 1997, 824 p. Van Dijk T. A. Yazyk. Poznaniye. Kommunikatsiya: Per. s angl. [Language. Cognition. Communication: transl. from English]. V. V. Petrova (Comp.), V. I. Gerasimov (Ed.), Yu. N. Karaulov, V. V. Petrov (Intr. art.). Moscow, Progress, 1989, 312 p. |
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