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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: F.G. Khisamitdinova Institute of History, Language and Literature, Ufa Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences,Ufa, Russian Federation In the section Linguistics
Abstract: One of the interesting historical phonetic phenomena of the Bashkir Anlaut – the use of voiceless К, Ҡ instead of modern Г, Ғ is considered in «Formal lists on the service of Officials of the Bashkir-Meshcheryak army in 1836–1842». This phonetic phenomenon is studied in 12 Bashkir cantons of the 19th century. Concerning the use of stop consonants, the cantons are grouped into four zones. The first zone is composed of cantons, in which the anlaut of personal names borrowed from the Arab and Persian languages presents mostly voiceless stops. These are the fifth, the sixth and the fourth Western cantons. Territorially, they are Bashkirs of the northeast and southeast of Bashkortostan. The second zone involves the cantons in which the anlaut of the borrowed personal names is represented by approximately equal numbers of voiceless and sonorous stops. These include the fourth Zagorny and the ninth cantons. Territorially, this group is represented by the Bashkirs of southern and southeastern Bashkortostan. The third zone is made up of cantons, with about 9–10 % of the voiceless stops in the borrowed part of the Bashkir anroponymy. This zone is represented by the second and the third cantons. The Bashkirs of the northern Bashkortostan are in the third zone. The fourth zone is made up of cantons, where the anlaut of personal names is represented by the voiced stoppers only. These are the seventh and the eighth cantons. Bashkirs of central Bashkortostan are territorially in this zone. In addition, the author analyzes the ethnic composition of the canton population. A conclusion is made that in the Bashkir language of the Katai and Tabynian tribal associations, the system of stops did not distinguish the presence of voice and its absence. That is why anthroponyms borrowed from the Arabic and Persian languages with voiced consonants in the Bashkir language of individual cantons were represented by the voiceless stops, in others – by voiced variants of stops. Also, the author managed to trace the stages of voicing the anlaut К and Ҡ in the dialects of the Bashkir language by studying the materials of «Formal lists on the service of officials of the Bashkir- Meshcheriak army in 1836–1842». Keywords: formal lists, Bashkir language, phonetic phenomenon, anlaut, occlusive, anthroponomy Bibliography: Dialektologicheskiy slovar’ bashkirskogo yazyka [Dialectological dictionary of the Bashkir language]. Ufa, Kitap, 2002, 432 p. Dmitriyev N. K. Grammatika bashkirskogo yazyka. 2-e izd. [Grammar of the Bashkir language. 2nd ed.]. Moscow, Nauka, 2008, 264 p. Formulyarnyye spiski o sluzhbe chinovnikov Bashkirsko-meshcheryakskogo voyska za 1836–1842 gody: V 2 kn. [Formal lists about the service of officials of the Bashkir-Meshcheryak army for the years 1836–1842: in 2 books]. Bk 1. Ufa, Kitap, 2012, 424 p.; Bk 2. Ufa, Kitap, 2014, 1072 p. Khisamitdinova F. G. Istoriya bashkirskogo yazyka: Materialy po istoricheskoy fonetike [History of the Bashkir language: Materials on historical phonetics]. Ufa, 1989, BGPI, 96 p. Kuzeyev R. G. Sobraniye nauchnykh trudov: V 7 t. T. 4 [Collection of scientific works: in 7 vols. Vol. 4]. Ufa, Kitap, 2016, 528 p. Sravnitel’no-istoricheskaya grammatika tyurkskikh yazykov. Regional’nyye rekonstruktsii [Comparative-historical grammar of Turkic languages. Regional reconstruction]. Moscow, Nauka, 2002, 767 p. |
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