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Name: Axiological dominants of the female student oral discourse (on the material of everyday dialogue)

Authors: N. N. Shpilnaya

Altai State Pedagogical University Barnaul, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2018Pages 170-184
UDK: 81᾽42DOI: 10.17223/18137083/63/15

Abstract: The paper actualizes the axiological aspect of the analysis of female oral student discourse. The material for the analysis is the student’s speech recorded during the period from 2012 to 2015 in Novosibirsk and Barnaul. The contexts of communication are communication in the audience at a break, at a bus stop, in a hostel. The total number of dialogical units analyzed is 120. The unit of analysis is the axiological reflex – the value judgment of the native speaker, explicating one or another axiological meaning. Female oral student discourse is first considered as a polydiscursive social and communicative sphere of speech everyday life. The analysis of external and internal discursive practices as sub-discursive thematic formations, correlated with institutional and everyday events, is presented. Medical, sports, economic, political, educational and discursive practices of media are identified and characterized as external discursive practices. The practices with the content being determined by intentions of a personal nature are characterized as internal discursive practices. Axiological dominants can be represented either by event-ideas or by declarative events. Medical discursive practices actualize the following axiological dominants: treatment in public clinics can be of high quality, but not always; non-professionals are working in private clinics whose goal is to take from the patient as much money as possible; it is difficult to make an appointment with a doctor in the state polyclinic; there is a poor service in the state clinic; affordable treatment is treatment for money; doctors advertise expensive imported drugs, subjectively considering them better than Russian counterparts. Sports discursive practices actualize the following axiological dominants: rivals in a sporting contest often behave not in a sporting way; Russian athletes often lose; the best player of the season is an enviable man. Economic discursive practices actualize the following axiological dominants: an increase in the price of public transport is a negative phenomenon; an increase in the state/region’sexpenses for repair and construction of roads has no result. Educational discursive practices objectify the concept of «education» by updating the axiological dominant: there will be only paid education in Russia. Discursive media practices actualize the following axiological dominant events: the personal life of a politician; the personal life of media personalities and axiological dominant-declarative «You can not believe the media, especially when they are covering the political and socioeconomic problems of both the state and the region». Internal discursive practices actualize the phatic events and among them interpersonal relations, appearance, communication, etc.

Keywords: axiological dominants, discursive practices, female discourse, student oral discourse


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