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Name: «Sacrifice» as one of the key concepts of Tarkovsky’s worldview

Authors: M. S. Berendeeva

Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2018Pages 157-169
UDK: 811.161.1DOI: 10.17223/18137083/63/14

Abstract: The paper is devoted to the study of the concept SACRIFICE in the author’s worldview of A. A. Tarkovsky. The purpose is to reveal and describe the features of the individual concept SACRIFICE in some text works and the feature film «Sacrifice» by Tarkovsky. In spite of the high research interest in the work of Tarkovsky, his films and texts have not been studied from the viewpoint of the linguo-conceptology. The study deals with the texts representing the author’s worldview: «Martiologist», «The Sealed Time», and the interviews of various years, as well as the film «Sacrifice» and its montage recording (the materials of the portal «Media-archive “Andrey Tarkovsky”»). The paper considers the fragments of the film «Sacrifice» that correlate at visual or sound level with the concept SACRIFICE. Pictorial («The Adoration of the Magi» by Leonardo da Vinci) and musical («Erbarme dich, mein Gott» by Bach) quotations representing the concept SACRIFICE are analyzed. The relationship between the ideas of sacrifice and the attribute «donation» is established. Also, the contexts including the lexemes-representatives of the concept (root words of «victim») are analyzed, the structure scheme of the concept SACRIFICE in the individual worldview is offered, showing the distribution of conceptual attributes between the core and the periphery of the concept. The conclusions can be drawn that in the individual worldview of Tarkovsky, the concept SACRIFICE is especially significant; the concept SACRIFICE is closely related to other concepts of the spiritual sphere (LOVE, VERITY, etc.); the formation of the concept SACRIFICE takes place according to the principles of religious worldview; the core of the concept SACRIFICE involves the idea of self-sacrifice for the sake of love; the concept SACRIFICE contains an internal evaluation showing the idea of sacrifice as not corresponding to the «anomalous» worldview of a typical modern man; the idea of the film «Sacrifice» is a part of the structure of the concept SACRIFICE, revealing its content both in verbal and non-verbal ways.

Keywords: concept, individual-author’s worldview, conceptual analysis, linguoconceptology, Andrey Arsenevich Tarkovsky, sacrifice


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